Ok, I, Anonymous folks ~ what is the protocol?
I have a small, 2 bedroom duplex that a couple shares with me . I live out in the garage ~ across the house. There is very little insulation against sound. They moved into my house a year ago.
There are issues ~ they are both transgender & are not sexually intimate with each other ~ for 5 years. Their reaction to any noise is to freak out & feel that they are being attacked. Me listening to music, the neighbors kids playing or dog barking, etc., turns into a week long freak out fest because somebody is trying to fuck with their lives.
i recently started seeing an ex, again. He comes over on weekends, & we fuck ~ loudly & a lot. She has complained that he "sits on the couch & reads" & he played the piano in my room for 30 seconds. Need i mention that she lives here with her boyfriend, who i can't stand, & neither of them work or have a social life? Hence, they are here 24-7. ( and I have financially supported them for at least half of the last year)
I know her well, & I smell jealousy. I also care for her, a lot. But, what do i do? i am finally!!! having good sex & real loving for the first time in a very long time, & she wants to make it about her. What should i do to compromise?i'm 40 yrs. old. My child is out of the house. i should be able to fuck when i want. And i won't walk out of my room on a glorious sunday morning, to make coffee, only to be screamed at that i am intentionally traumatizing them. What to do?