Letters Mar 18, 2010 at 4:00 am


Oh no, my name shall live in infamy due to publication. A point I failed to make is the piece I commented upon did a nice job of selecting people who are appealing enough to the Mercury's demographic without presenting something unreachable to the average reader. And I agree with Ms Brown, back of Sandra Bullock! I have heard (in the strictest confidence of course) that she is backing out of Miss Congeniality 3 thanks to YOU Romano. I hope you're proud of yourself you home wrecking hussy. I do find your title as relates to my little posting somewhat amusing Mercury. I myself am not in the least confused about sex, nor my personal identity. I dare say some of the readers of your fine publication are not quite as fortunate. The whole emo/hipster (whatever) thing does tend to blur gender to a large degree. Hell, looking at some of these kids it 's pretty much guesswork. I suppose it really does'nt matter as long as they get that job at American Apparel
YES showstopper! I couldn't have said it better myself (considering I am a bad writer). "Portland's Sexiest People"? Give me a break. The fact is, welcome to Portland. People here are so self-conscious and insecure that this is the image that the youth in Portland aspire to be. you are not accepted until you are cool and vice versa... This is the type of thing that makes me feel bad about living here. Would I be more comfortable in So California?
I'm sick and tired of hearing people like geyser complain about "I, Anonymous". The column is there for WHATEVER people want to write in and complain about. And saying that what someone wrote in the column is a "lie" is ridiculous. How the fuck do you know if their story is true or not? Were you there at their house while it was happening? No, I didn't think so. So shut the fuck up and read it (or don't, if you're gonna be such a whiny asshole about whatever is in the column). Like I said, the column is there for whatever people want to write in about and yes, there's going to be lots of bitching and unpredictability in a column like this. But that's what's so great about "I, Anonymous". It's there for people to use and feel free to write what they like. People like you need to shut the fuck up and let people speak their minds!
Oh, and I agree with The Showstopper. I'm sick of Portland being infested with these hipsters who all look the same, act the same and are basically just that - THE SAME. It's obnoxious as hell and they need to learn that looking like pretentious college kids isn't going to get them anywhere in life.
Colleen, you don't seem to know what you're talking about. Most of what you're ranting about doesn't refute the points I was actually making. Instead it seems like you should direct this at the person who made up three and then wrote "A Challenge." They were one of the many people who have bitched about all the "bitching" in the column. So you don't need to tell me that "there's going to be lots of bitching," because that's exactly one of the points I made, if you'd bother to read what I wrote.
I brought up lying in the column as a known problem because this person admitted to having done it three times recently. As for this week's I,A, it just seems like more revenge bragging urban legend crap. There are several specific things in it that ring false to me, but it's not worth dissecting. If you don't have a reliable bullshit detector and insist on believe anything unless you see evidence to the contrary with your own two eyes, then you won't go too far in this world.

Anyway thanks for your extreme hostility and your carelessly stupid take on what I said. If you think people should be able to speak their minds, then why do you tell me in the same sentence to "shut the fuck up"? Unlike you, I'm not trying to shut anyone up; I would just like to see a bit more variety represented in the column.
By the way, you and Showstopper need to let people dress the way they want. If we all through around mean judgments based on people's looks about everyone ("stupid little bearded guys,") then what do you think people would say about you?
Anyway, it's funny that you cry conformity when you basically are ridiculing people for not conforming to your own aesthetic sense of what's "hipster" and "pretentious."
"Infested"? Give me a break. I'll give you the same advice about Portland that you gave me about I Anon: the city is for however people want to dress and be, so shut the fuck up and live here or don't, but don't be such a whiny asshole about it.
Well genius I never said they could or could'nt dress a certain fashion, I simply made an observation. I personally largely don't CARE what people have to say about my appearance. Which in and off itself is amusing, because here you are trying to be a internet tough guy, yet in reality were we having this conversation in person you would change your attitude swiftly. Finally what makes you think these tools represent Portland? 10% of it at best, and I have no problem with diversity. That's the problem-those dorks are all the SAME! Finally, I truly hope you are female, because if you are not you have some serious issues and need to grow a pair.

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