RE: "Bullseye Glass' Sales Were $19.8 Million Last Year. Pollution Controls Would Have Cost a Tiny Fraction of That" [Blogtown, Feb 11], Daniel Forbes' story about how Bullseye Glass—which regulators believe has been spewing carcinogens into Southeast Portland's air for years—"could have addressed its pollution problems for an initial cost of between $500,000 and $1 million."
*pushes glasses up, adopts most condescending possible voice*
Dan, it's profit that matters, not revenue. If BG sold $20 million on costs of $15 million, then sure, this is easily doable. But if they sold $20 million on costs of $25 million, then that's a very different story. I'm not defending BG, only pointing out that using sales as your Villainy Yardstick is somewhat fraught.
posted by Commenty Colin
RE: Hall Monitor [News, Feb 10], in which Dirk VanderHart discussed Mayor Charlie Hales' decision to allow camping on city land—and pointed out that, despite critics' complaints, "No one thinks that camping is the answer to Portland's homelessness." Instead, VanderHart suggests, the plan "offers some semblance of order for hundreds of people caught up in the chaos of houselessness—a sense that, as Portland pursues actual, meaningful solutions, they have a place they can go."
The plan seems like a least-worst response to the situation. There are people out there who need shelter and not enough buildings for them, so let's allow them to camp in regulated, monitored locations. This gives the city the go-ahead to dissolve problem sites since they can steer people to non-problem sites and (one hopes) the oversight to prevent sites from devolving into problem sites.
I understand the suspicion, though, particularly about the "what next?" part. The city's proven mighty incapable of allocating funds to problems. If plans like Utah's Housing First approach are going to work in Portland, someone's going to need to fund it and implement it.
In addition, that's Utah's plan, not Salt Lake City's. Portland doesn't need a plan; Oregon does. Setting aside the transient portion of Portland's population, Portland can't go solo trying to fix the mental health/addiction problems, job creation issues, and permanent housing issues. We need plans on the state and federal levels to tackle those problems.
So, sure, sanctioned camping isn't the answer—but we need a damn answer, because otherwise we're going to be right back here with a bunch of sanctioned camps and a bunch of unsanctioned ones that no one's willing to sweep because we'll still have no answer to "Where are we supposed to go?"
posted by Sok
RE: "Hey Patriots! Get Your Oregon Standoff Valentines!" [Blogtown, Feb 12], the Mercury's collection of valentines bearing the brave faces of the zealots who armed themselves to the teeth and valiantly occupied a rural bird refuge.
Sick and awful. You should be ashamed.
posted by Lonnie Lawson
I ordered the entire set! However, upon arrival, they promptly started digging up my yard and trashed the house. Left guns all over the place. Begged for snacks and other donations. Started tearing up my neighbors' yards and began preaching some weird distorted version of the US Constitution. Can I send them back? How do I get rid of these freeloading grifters?
posted by Pewpew Patriots
RE: "How to Neko Atsume: The Waiting Game of Kitty Collecting" [Blogtown, Feb 12], Bri Brey's strategy guide/confession letter about the Mercury staff's all-consuming obsession with Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector, a video game for children and the elderly in which players feed cartoon cats, buy toys for cartoon cats, and attempt to lure "rare" cats into their digital yard.
I got all the cats and now my life is meaningless.
posted by Aestro
We feel your pain, Aestro. (Even if we have yet to get Peaches, Joe DiMeowgio, OR Conductor Whiskers!) To help remind you that life is worth living, we're giving you two tickets to the Laurelhurst Theater! Turn off your phone during the movie so you aren't tempted to check and see if Tubbs has eaten all the sashimi you put out. (Of course he has. Fucking Tubbs.)