Leonard thought he could smell blood, thought being Adams' personal lackey would make him heir to the King of Portland Politics' throne. Wrong! He should resign "in protest" now that he has no chance to prove to Portland that he can outsuck Potter.
He lied about a relationship that included making out with a 17 year old boy, why is that sweet ? No doubt we have very important issues facing this city and this nation, but is character, integrity, and truthfullness no longer important ?
I couldn't help chuckling about the protection of public safety through funding. That funding is going to go toward putting you behind bars, Sam. I believe the punishment for a Class A Misdemeanor of Sexual Abuse is 1 year in prison. I'll send you postcards of Portland functioning well without you.
Ummm, giving me a kiss was not sexual assault. I wouldn't have been interested if his first kiss had been that of a masher. And while you want to spin the kiss as "making out" it wasn't. Can't believe all you freeks who want to treat someone old enough to join the military and die for you as too immature to decide if they want a kiss.
"He lied about a relationship that included making out with a 17 year old boy" The 2 kissed before BB turned 18, yes - whether or not it was "making out" wasn't said, but I love how much you are fantasizing about the two men kissing. You frequently "amp up" the juicy details of stories when trading them over the backyard fence?
"He lied about a relationship..."
It was no one's business to ask the question in the first place. Americans need to stop acting like dating and sexual practices are somehow relevant to resumes and job performance. The question never should have been asked. How many people did you date during your last year of work? Married? Did you see, do you see, or have you ever seen anyone on the side? Do you feel that your dating or marriage interfered with your job performance? How about your sex life? Anything special or non-traditional that your co-workers may need to know? You sure?
@consistency - wow what a stunning display of logic. You know, 12 year olds get convicted of felony sex offending when they rape babies, does that mean it should be legal to have sex with 12 year olds?
I love the NAMBLA logic. No wonder Sam wants to stick around, Portlanders don't have the sense to recall this perv.
Now SAMMY wants to focus on "public safety"?
He was willing to be bullied and/or blackmailed by Ranty Red Faced Randy into giving him the Police Bureau.
Sammy is into dealing with the non-sticky items -bike lanes, making P-town - Green town... he's not into dealing with crime, revitalizing the job market, attracting new businesses etc.
Where was he last night with the attack downtown?
Resign & let Sho take over - a wise, thoughtful man.
Finally - Stop justifing his critical mistake - the 17 yr old was an intern - this is not acceptable behavior - if it had been Potter & a 17 year old girl - I don't think Mr. Dan Savage would be coming to Tommy's aid. There's protocol & Sam broke that, then lied repeatedly, disparaged others (Ball) had others lie & pulled favors with those involved in this pathetic tale.
Beau replied dismissing all the salacious rumors and the bulk of Matt's non-story narrative? Well, that was unexpected.
Wait, did anyone ask Beau if Sam littered when they were hanging out? Did Sam toss a paper towel on the floor and not pick it up? Quick, check the ORS for laws regarding littering on municipal property!
Or, you know, we could move on and Sam can get back to work. He has a little matter of an interstate bridge to attend to ASAP. Unless Gregoire scares him.
So Sam will be back at work tomorrow, not for him but for us... we have such terrible awful problems that he is selflessly going to come back to solve them because he loves us so much and we would be in deep trouble without him to fix everything.
The man's arrogance is amazing.
PS. Beau: I suspect your mentor's lawyer, as well as your own, would prefer you not post comments about this matter on the web. Do what you want, though. I'm just saying...
"...the 17 yr old was an intern": For a state legislator, not for Adams or anyone else at City Hall. The truth is bad enough; stop spreading disinformation.
"Resign & let Sho take over - a wise, thoughtful man": Who used a juvenile's trust fund as his personal bank. So glad you're judging this case strictly on its merits, without partisan preconceptions.
Just at the moment I was starting to become cocnvinced Adams should go, he announces he's staying. Sheesh.
Hell, Euphonious; I'm not entirely certain that Hinkle's even a lawyer. I'm waiting for Strike Three of the insanely dumb things he's already said this week.
If you are an elected person and you lie it is like you lied directly to me. I didnt accept it in president Bush and I wont accept it from Mayor Adams.
Beyond that is the unbelievably embarrassing press and blog fodder that ensued.
I didnt want to hear about Mayor Adams' dick from Carl Kassel on the morning after the inauguration, Sam's apology cant fix that.
And to Mr. "Nambla Logic" above - there are 10 straight child molesters for every gay one.
This whole thing is really bringing out the worst in Portland. Or should I say, in the homophobic, witch-hunt primed, scandal-hungry suburbs of Portland.
Get on with the work at hand, Mr. Adams. Your consensual, legal sexual liasons, however ill-conceived, don't matter to me or any of the others in Portland who live in the real world where we are concerned with the results our Politicians produce for the city, not with our politician's personal lives. You should never have had to obfuscate on this "issue" in the first place, since it's nobody's business but yours and Mr. Breedlove's.
A political scandal involves a politician stealing money; taking gifts for favors; altering policy to suit cronies and donors--the sort of things that impact the public. This is not a political scandal--it's a bunch of hypocritical hand-ringing and gleeful thinly-disguised bigotry. Well past time to move on.
Thank you Mayor! We owe you an apology... mainly the Portland media which helped blow this out of proportion needs to apologize.
Iām sure the wolfs will find something else to feed on soon and let you do the job we elected you for!
Best of luck and thank you for your public service.
24 hour news cycle. This will be forgotten in a week because everyone will be too busy with a Paris Hilton arrest, Britney Spears breakdown or a Lindsey Lohan relapse. That's the attention span of Americans and our press.
Anyone who thinks anything of substance is going to get done at City Hall before the recall in 6 months is fooling themselves. Unfortunately, this ain't going away.
I keep seeing people commenting in your Blogtown, PDX posts about how Adams is going to get recalled or something in six months. So here's some facts that maybe you can post so that people will shut up with their wrongness.
The recall of an elected official in the State of Oregon is governed by Article II, Section 18 of the state constitution. A synopsis is as follows (with full text at the bottom):
Any elected official in Oregon can be recalled. In order to do so, a petition with enough signatures must be filed with an elections officer. The number of signatures required is based on the number of people who voted for Governor in the last election that had a vote for Governor. The number required is 15% of those who voted. The petition can not begin to get signatures until the elected official has been in office for at least six months. After the petition has been filed, the elected official has five days to resign. If after five days the official has not resigned, the elections office has 35 days to hold a special election.
So a quick recap. Starting June 1st, 2009, people can begin collecting signatures to hold a recall vote for Sam Adams. After they submit the petition with the proper number of signatures, Sam Adams would have five days to resign. Thirty five days after that, there would be a special election. So best case scenario, the earliest there would be an election would be July 10th, 2009.
So how many signatures are required?
I was unable to find election results that broke voters in PDX out of voters in Multnomah county. So my math is like this; population of PDX divided by population of Multnomah county: 575,930/660,486= 87.2%
Number of people who voted for Govenor in 2006=259,804
Percentage of those people who lived in PDX=226,549
Number of signatures needed=33,982
That's about 6% of the population of PDX.
So... yeah... That's the law and those are the numbers. You should post this so that people will stop saying things that are wrong. Cheers!
Where've you been? The "homophobe" thing has been flying fast and furious, because it's all that Sam's supporters have.
And they're going to get pretty good at throwing it around too, because this thing isn't going away any time soon.
Pretty soon it's going to be: The Attorney General? Homophobe! The judge and the jury? Homophobes too! Petition gatherers? Why, homophobes, of course. The voters of Portland next summer? 65% homophobes.
Hey wait,
Is this another lie, so he says he won't resign, does this mean he already has resigned but he won't tell us about it for 2 years...I am sooooo confused by this guy!
Just another political stunt, sewing up the 'Gay/Liar' vote for the next election cycle...very shrewd!
thanks, sam. here's a truthful response to future questions that are nobody's business: "my private life is private." alternatives include, "next question?" and "why do you ask?" follow one with another until the conversation is back on track with something relevant *to your work*. since of course, your private life is really nobody's business (see above).
not every conversation is a deposition. thank you for going back to work.
He waited to see what the kid would say. Whether or not Beau would spill the beans! Adams was deeply hiding until after he felt this level of dishonesty was going to hold air for him.
Then, as a spit in the eye to some, he gives the message that he's staying on, from an echo-y place that sounds suspiciously like the men's room in City Hall.
Welcome back, Mayor Adams!
If I could, I would give him a giant smooch on the cheek right now!
Welcome back Mayor Adams!
"He lied about a relationship..."
It was no one's business to ask the question in the first place. Americans need to stop acting like dating and sexual practices are somehow relevant to resumes and job performance. The question never should have been asked. How many people did you date during your last year of work? Married? Did you see, do you see, or have you ever seen anyone on the side? Do you feel that your dating or marriage interfered with your job performance? How about your sex life? Anything special or non-traditional that your co-workers may need to know? You sure?
I love the NAMBLA logic. No wonder Sam wants to stick around, Portlanders don't have the sense to recall this perv.
He was willing to be bullied and/or blackmailed by Ranty Red Faced Randy into giving him the Police Bureau.
Sammy is into dealing with the non-sticky items -bike lanes, making P-town - Green town... he's not into dealing with crime, revitalizing the job market, attracting new businesses etc.
Where was he last night with the attack downtown?
Resign & let Sho take over - a wise, thoughtful man.
Finally - Stop justifing his critical mistake - the 17 yr old was an intern - this is not acceptable behavior - if it had been Potter & a 17 year old girl - I don't think Mr. Dan Savage would be coming to Tommy's aid. There's protocol & Sam broke that, then lied repeatedly, disparaged others (Ball) had others lie & pulled favors with those involved in this pathetic tale.
A very sad day for Portland.
Wait, did anyone ask Beau if Sam littered when they were hanging out? Did Sam toss a paper towel on the floor and not pick it up? Quick, check the ORS for laws regarding littering on municipal property!
Or, you know, we could move on and Sam can get back to work. He has a little matter of an interstate bridge to attend to ASAP. Unless Gregoire scares him.
The man's arrogance is amazing.
PS. Beau: I suspect your mentor's lawyer, as well as your own, would prefer you not post comments about this matter on the web. Do what you want, though. I'm just saying...
"Resign & let Sho take over - a wise, thoughtful man": Who used a juvenile's trust fund as his personal bank. So glad you're judging this case strictly on its merits, without partisan preconceptions.
Just at the moment I was starting to become cocnvinced Adams should go, he announces he's staying. Sheesh.
Beyond that is the unbelievably embarrassing press and blog fodder that ensued.
I didnt want to hear about Mayor Adams' dick from Carl Kassel on the morning after the inauguration, Sam's apology cant fix that.
And to Mr. "Nambla Logic" above - there are 10 straight child molesters for every gay one.
Get on with the work at hand, Mr. Adams. Your consensual, legal sexual liasons, however ill-conceived, don't matter to me or any of the others in Portland who live in the real world where we are concerned with the results our Politicians produce for the city, not with our politician's personal lives. You should never have had to obfuscate on this "issue" in the first place, since it's nobody's business but yours and Mr. Breedlove's.
A political scandal involves a politician stealing money; taking gifts for favors; altering policy to suit cronies and donors--the sort of things that impact the public. This is not a political scandal--it's a bunch of hypocritical hand-ringing and gleeful thinly-disguised bigotry. Well past time to move on.
Can we talk about something else now?
Iām sure the wolfs will find something else to feed on soon and let you do the job we elected you for!
Best of luck and thank you for your public service.
Hi Mercury news staff,
I keep seeing people commenting in your Blogtown, PDX posts about how Adams is going to get recalled or something in six months. So here's some facts that maybe you can post so that people will shut up with their wrongness.
The recall of an elected official in the State of Oregon is governed by Article II, Section 18 of the state constitution. A synopsis is as follows (with full text at the bottom):
Any elected official in Oregon can be recalled. In order to do so, a petition with enough signatures must be filed with an elections officer. The number of signatures required is based on the number of people who voted for Governor in the last election that had a vote for Governor. The number required is 15% of those who voted. The petition can not begin to get signatures until the elected official has been in office for at least six months. After the petition has been filed, the elected official has five days to resign. If after five days the official has not resigned, the elections office has 35 days to hold a special election.
So a quick recap. Starting June 1st, 2009, people can begin collecting signatures to hold a recall vote for Sam Adams. After they submit the petition with the proper number of signatures, Sam Adams would have five days to resign. Thirty five days after that, there would be a special election. So best case scenario, the earliest there would be an election would be July 10th, 2009.
So how many signatures are required?
I was unable to find election results that broke voters in PDX out of voters in Multnomah county. So my math is like this; population of PDX divided by population of Multnomah county: 575,930/660,486= 87.2%
Number of people who voted for Govenor in 2006=259,804
Percentage of those people who lived in PDX=226,549
Number of signatures needed=33,982
That's about 6% of the population of PDX.
So... yeah... That's the law and those are the numbers. You should post this so that people will stop saying things that are wrong. Cheers!
Where've you been? The "homophobe" thing has been flying fast and furious, because it's all that Sam's supporters have.
And they're going to get pretty good at throwing it around too, because this thing isn't going away any time soon.
Pretty soon it's going to be: The Attorney General? Homophobe! The judge and the jury? Homophobes too! Petition gatherers? Why, homophobes, of course. The voters of Portland next summer? 65% homophobes.
As far as we know at the moment, at least.
Is this another lie, so he says he won't resign, does this mean he already has resigned but he won't tell us about it for 2 years...I am sooooo confused by this guy!
Just another political stunt, sewing up the 'Gay/Liar' vote for the next election cycle...very shrewd!
not every conversation is a deposition. thank you for going back to work.
Then, as a spit in the eye to some, he gives the message that he's staying on, from an echo-y place that sounds suspiciously like the men's room in City Hall.