You make some good points re: Sam's potential credibility with commissioners.
As a Sam supporter, what this means to me is that we need to focus our efforts on communicating to the commissioners that the public believes in its mayor, wants him to stay, and wants the lot of them to work together for the greater good of Portland.
Of course, some commissioners are clearly going to have a harder time than others putting aside their feelings of betrayal in order to continue to work with Sam. But these folks are public servants: they were elected because they represent us.
Of course the leadership is not going to be as powerful. Sam will be fighting off allegations of lying pretty much every step in the future. Why should his commissioners get his back? He's a lame duck Mayor, and will be for the foreseeable future.
In the past week, we have been presented with more and more details regarding this relationship. I am fairly certain there is a lot more to come out of this story, all of it bad news.
leonard represents me pretty well, actually. i'm also pissed that even when adams was "coming clean", he was still leaving out making out with a 17-year-old.
don't mistake your readiness to forgive any transgression adams commits for widespread public support. continued anger is not limited to people who stand to benefit and raging homophobes. i consider myself a liberal, but i don't like being lied to, i don't like public officials breaking the law, and i don't like old men having sex with teenagers. i don't think the left wants to tie itself very tightly to sam adams. he betrayed us and he's a creep.
Sorry, Leonard! You thought you were going to bully, browbeat and shame Sam into quitting his job, but it just didn't work out that way, did it? Not many people realize that you would have taken over the job if he would have stepped down. Now if you want to be the mayor you'll just have to work hard for it for 20 years and then campaign for the office and win an election, just like Sam did. But I'll give you a little hint, you don't have an ice cube's chance in hell of getting enough votes to do so in the town anymore. Your are forever a has been due to the way you spearheaded the backstabbing campaign against The People's chosen leader. Buh-bye to your future political aspirations in Portland!
Old Lady, I and almost every single other person I have talked to about this issue pretty much say the same thing.
Disclaimer: Myself and the folks I have talked to are all property owners, above the age of 25, non-republicans, have resided in Portland for at least 10 years, and we all voted for Adams in the previous election.
As a Sam supporter, what this means to me is that we need to focus our efforts on communicating to the commissioners that the public believes in its mayor, wants him to stay, and wants the lot of them to work together for the greater good of Portland.
Of course, some commissioners are clearly going to have a harder time than others putting aside their feelings of betrayal in order to continue to work with Sam. But these folks are public servants: they were elected because they represent us.
In the past week, we have been presented with more and more details regarding this relationship. I am fairly certain there is a lot more to come out of this story, all of it bad news.
don't mistake your readiness to forgive any transgression adams commits for widespread public support. continued anger is not limited to people who stand to benefit and raging homophobes. i consider myself a liberal, but i don't like being lied to, i don't like public officials breaking the law, and i don't like old men having sex with teenagers. i don't think the left wants to tie itself very tightly to sam adams. he betrayed us and he's a creep.
Disclaimer: Myself and the folks I have talked to are all property owners, above the age of 25, non-republicans, have resided in Portland for at least 10 years, and we all voted for Adams in the previous election.