
I have mixed feelings about this--when you inhabit the public sphere, as Caldwell did, you risk certain things being reported about your life that would not be reported about your random next-door neighbor. On the other hand, I feel truly horribly for Caldwell's wife and kids--bad enough they have to have this be their lasting memory of him, but to have idiot O-Live commenters snarking about it must only add to the agony.
Is someone of Caldwell's position truly a public figure? Yes, inasmuch as they offer public opinion, I suppose. But I may agree with you, Denis: this sordid detail adds nothing but to jab at the deceased and his family. It's a sordid story, and certainly intriguing. But there is a thing called journalistic restraint, but sometimes organizations forget this in a rush to report or to be not seen as failing to report.

I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say.
Well, they're definitely not winning Pulitzers anymore so they may as well focus on sexy time.
I have a feeling the O ran the story last night because it would have been released by another publication, i.e. the Mercury or WWeek, since this could be considered more salacious than a DUII.
I can't believe people are focusing on this when some poor co-ed is now without a sugar daddy!
Who knew Madonna's filmed-in-Portland movie Body of Evidence was so prescient? I wonder if candle wax was involved.
I cannot believe the Internet is home to snide comments.
Privacy is a Victorian invention to allow people to live lives contrary to their stated morality. It's destructive and antisocial; get over it.
Let's talk about the actions of people who aren't dead, the folks who work at the Oregonian who actively covered up his DUII arrest.
Not so comfortable when the white hot spotlight's on YOU? Is it Oregonian? I'd be curious as to whom your original source was--- (regarding Mr. Caldwell found in a car) ..? Hmmm.. It appears being accurate in story reporting AND being sensitive to human beings really only applies when one of your own is exposed....
It is GOOD and important social progress that we all get 100% coverage by our health insurance for Contraception but not our other medications.

However, why is it BAD that this woman can care for lovingly for a guy in exchange for books (or other gifts). I suspect he was not her only Sugar Daddy. The girl is just trying to make ends meet as well as earn a living.

What is important is how we treat the people around us. If we were open about sex this shouldn't be a bad thing. Seeing a girl is much better for society than a DUI
Odd to hear that the Oregonian Editorial Board, the self declared moral compass of Portland, was guided by a guy with normal human appetites. Too bad he didn't use that forum to speak out against those who would bring down every public figure who enjoys fucking. I feel sorry for his family, I hope this doesn't get the kind of coverage they heaped on other people who got caught in similarly compromising situations.
If I were Sam Adams, I wouldn't stop laughing until next week.
I'm reminded of a statement by David Halberstam that ran along the lines of the better a journalist you were, the fewer people would make note of, and mourn your passing. I suspect Caldwell, being old school might agree with that and the current brain trust at The "O" wouldn't understand the concept.
I really didn't need to know any of this.
I'm sorry for the widow and kids. But this man was a public figure, with all the perks that entails, so it seems fair that he (and his family) would be subject to the downside of fame, as well.

Does anyone believe this young girl was his first dalliance? Does anyone believe the widow wasnt aware of what he was doing?
"Happily married", boning a chick young enough to be his granddaughter in exchange for money, Pulitzer Prize winner...I see no story here.
The Oregonian paper has been shit for awhile now.
Recently they censored a Doonesbury comic, that wasn't even as bad as some other ones I've seen in their paper.

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