
The only connection this has to being under 30 is the fact that to people under 30 magazines subscription are quaint and novel. They've been doing this stuff for a long time. Subscriber numbers are better for dollars from ads than revenues from cover price.
You can also get it for free digitally with your library card using zinio...…
um, the New Yorker tried to woo me with the same deal, and I am 52. But. whatever.
You've never heard of "the heartbreak of diaeresis"?
Another swing, another miss
How is this a news story?
When I had a baby, I wound up with a bunch of magazine offers.
When I graduated from undergrad, same thing.
Grad school? Same.
Accepted a free trial of Amazon Prime? Same exact thing.

I didn't realize this was a mystery that was eating at anyone.

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