Queer Jun 4, 2009 at 4:00 am

The Mercury's Annual Queer Issue and Guide to Pride!

Photo by Ray Gordon


Pretty soon SMB your fat bloated ass is going to be as big as your fat bloated ego
The gay community here is very divided and I'm glad the mercury is calling pride out on this.
great to see the Mercury telling it as it is... Seriously how can the theme United We Stand be real when we can't even celebrate it as one community all colors mixed... sad.
All the Gays from Cali and Orey are making the pilgrimage to Seattle!

If your not in Seattle your just not gay or your some kind of stupid!
Queer is Sue?
this is an example of the Portland Mercury being bold with it's coverage, sticking your necks out. i bet the pride committee is furious about what's been written here, but voices of dissent and argument only make a community stronger and better and brighter.
You can't tell the difference between the gay guys and the straight guys in the city of Portland any longer because the straight guys in PDX have become such "metrosexual" whimps and twinks. The only time we have masculine men in Portland is during Fleet Week.
Hahahaha, Marty Davis totally wrote the first comment. It smells like her.
what a great community celebrations.. the theme is good enough

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