I'm sure you've heard all about it, but the joy this clip brings is a thing of national pride.
Full on “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” chants heard throughout the crowd at Nats Park after President Trump was announced and shown on screen here #WorldSeries pic.twitter.com/1ktVXkHYFy
— Monica Alba (@albamonica) October 28, 2019
Trump attended World Series game five at Nationals Park in Washington, DC last night, and while the patriotic crowd wildly cheered the veterans who appeared on the Jumbotron, the president got a decidedly different reaction: Loud, sustained boos and chants of "Lock him up."
WATCH: President Trump met with loud boos as he is introduced at the World Series in Nationals Park on Sunday night. pic.twitter.com/4RTW8ZqxqP
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 28, 2019
His reaction to this booing was similarly perfect—and exactly what you'd expect from a narcissist.
Interestingly, if this had been any other president who had been involved over the weekend with the hunting and killing of a deadly ISIS leader, they would've been cheered. Instead, #LockHimUp and #TrumpBooed have been trending all morning, which goes to show how Trump's overwhelming number of crimes and despicable racist/sexist behavior has wildly overshadowed any of his few accomplishments.
And yet? Certain Democrats and supposedly left-leaning media types can't wait to spoil our patriotic fun.
"We are Americans and we do not do that. We do not want the world hearing us chant 'Lock him up' to this president or to any president." — @JoeNBC pic.twitter.com/9IgMCETBdn
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) October 28, 2019
(Note the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of their panel. Sheesh.)
JUST NOW: Dem Sen @ChrisCoons not happy with the "Lock him up " chants at World Series last night.
"Frankly think the office of the president deserves respect, even when the actions of our president at times don't. "@NewDay pic.twitter.com/OJwZfv9Vp8
— John Berman (@JohnBerman) October 28, 2019
It really amazing how many Libs can't even permit Trump to have *one good day* (nobody will remember this stuff by Tuesday) after US forces kill perhaps the world's most wanted terrorist.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) October 27, 2019
Happily, Twitter came back at these dummies—and HARD.
Let's never stop booing sexist lying cheating supremacist fascists who refuse to be held accountable for their actions. #LockHimUp pic.twitter.com/4wWSO4IEGh
— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) October 28, 2019
I’m of the opinion that masses of people booing the president on one of the stupidly few occasions he’s ever been forced to interact with them is in fact an extremely valuable moment for our global standing & anyone who cares about America’s reputation should thank that crowd.
— Rebecca Traister (@rtraister) October 28, 2019

There's a lot to unpack here, such as...
a) The thoughtless hot takes from Morning Joe, Nate Silver, and Sen. Coons are perfect examples of what some of these same people have been warning us against: the normalization of Trump's behavior. The argument that "we must respect the presidency, if not the president" doesn't work when the presidency is dangerously close to being an authoritarian regime.
b) The media has been rightly criticized for focusing too much on the opinions of single Trump voters in rural areas, allowing them far more airtime than their selfish ideas deserve. The sound of thousands booing Trump is an antidote for the disparity in this coverage.
And c) Privilege—the most infuriating part of their defense. Nate Silver calls for "giving the president one good day"? When has Trump given immigrants "one good day"? When has he given the environment "one good day"? When has he given anyone except his fellow rich friends/racists/misogynists "one good day"? The time for being patient and offering forgiveness to a system which has elected and supported the most despicable American president in history has come and gone. It's past time to remove Trump from office, convict him, lock him up—and even more importantly—fix the broken parts of our government that allowed Trump to happen.
In any case, this beautiful example of defiance in the face of authoritarianism has produced some A-plus Twitter jokes:
it's his own fault for showing up on Kurd Night https://t.co/RcAavoM2zV
— Matt 🎃swalt (@MattOswaltVA) October 28, 2019
Trump: They’re booing ME?! I thought you said they were nationalist fans!
Pence: That’s uh, Nationals, sir. It’s the name of the team.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 28, 2019
looking for a guy who will be cool with me playing the clip of trump getting booed on a loop while we fuck
— Sarah Beattie (@nachosarah) October 28, 2019
Your moment of zen https://t.co/hLeDDsruoS
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 28, 2019