Closing This Week

Broadway Rose Theatre Company, at the Deb Fennel Auditorium

Opening This Week

Stark Raving Theater at Theater! Theatre!

PARTS Paula Productions, at the Jack Oakes Theater

THE ANGER IN ERNEST AND ERNESTINE Theatre Vertigo at the Russell Street Theater

Opening & Current Runs

Brody Theater
The usually prolific Brody Theater Improv group confines itself to an evening featuring a two-act improvised play. BRODY THEATER, 1904 NW 27 Ave, 224-0688, Fri-Sat 9 pm, through Sept 2, $8

A Piece of Cake
Raymond Barry's play "contains sexual situations, nudity, violence, and adult language," according to the program. We're there. STARK RAVING THEATER AT THEATER! THEATRE!, 3430 SE Belmont Street, 232-7072, Fri-Sat, 10 pm, through Aug 12, $9.50

Blossom Summer
An adaptation of a children's book by Betsy Byars. HILLSBORO ACTORS REPERTORY THEATER, 230 East Main St, 693-7815, Fri-Sat 8 pm, Sun 2 pm, through July 22, $6

The '50s, as seen from the vantage of the '70s, '80s, '90s, and now the '00s. BROADWAY ROSE THEATRE COMPANY, AT THE DEB FENNEL AUDITORIUM, 9000 SW Durham Rd, 620-5262, Wed-Sat, 8 pm, Sun 2 pm, through July 16, $9-15

Late Nite Catechism
A popular, recent trend in local theater is supposedly interactive plays. This one is among the most popular, about a parochial school nun. CLOUD 9 PRODUCTIONS AT THE MAIN STREET THEATER, 904 SW Main St, 790-2787, Thur-Fri 8 pm, Sat 2 and 8 pm, Sun 7 pm, through July 31, $24.50 to $29.50

Love Letters
Armin Shimerman, Principal R. Snyder in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, appears in this production of A. R. Gurney's play. The 50-year-old TV and B-film vet is joined on the stage by his wife Kitty Swink, of Patty Hearst and Like Father, Like Son fame. MOUNT HOOD REPERTORY THEATER AT MHCC, 26000 SE Stark St, 423-9363, Fri-Sat 8 pm, Sun 2 pm, $12-15

Paula Productions enlivens the summer season with this intriguingly titled play. More later, as news comes in. PAULA PRODUCTIONS, AT THE JACK OAKES THEATER, 2820 NE Sandy Blvd, 238-6928, Thur-Sat, 8 pm, through Aug 24, $10

The Anger in Ernest and Ernestine
An orgy of Drammy winners gathers to adapt Robert Morgan's play. Trish Egan directs Chris Herman and Laura Smith in this comedy about marriage. THEATRE VERTIGO AT THE RUSSELL STREET THEATER, 116 North Russell, 306-0870, Thur-Sat, 8 pm, through Aug 12, $10

The Glowing Pumpkin Incident
From readings to production, Sean Miller's play is the latest fruit from the tree of Stark Raving's Summer Rave Festival. STARK RAVING THEATER AT THEATER! THEATRE!, 3430 SE Belmont Street, 232-7072, Sundays, 7:30 pm, through Aug 6, $6-15

* The Prince of West End Avenue
The month-long Portland International Performance Festival continues with Kerry Shale directing Alan Isler's play about a production of Hamlet that goes all wrong. LINCOLN PERFORMANCE HALL, AT PSU, 1620 SW Park Ave, 725-3307/725-3105, Fri-Sat 8 pm, and Thurs and Sun at 7 pm, $18

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Continuing on, the late, anodyne newspaper comics creator receives the inevitable homage from this dinner theater combo. SYLVIA'S CLASS ACT DINNER THEATER, 5115 NE Sandy Blvd, 288-6828, Thu-Sat 8 pm, Sun 7 pm, through Sept 2, $21.95-$31.95