
I saw the play twice and I'm going again. I especially LOVED the reenactments which were completely integral to the storyline. If this were a movie, Storm would get an Emmy for those re-enactments, hands-down. Playwright, composer, lyricist and actress. She did it all and owns and deserves each of those titles.
As stupid as it is to contest a review, as it's simply one person's opinion, I feel the need to offer a line from the show in defense to the deck for this article; that "Storm Large's solo show is just a little too crazy for comfort."

In the play she says people were always telling her she was too much, but maybe they just weren't enough for her.

My point is that to call it "too crazy," to me says more about the reviewer than the show as nothing in it is remotely logically inconsistent. Outlandish? Absolutely. But that's good entertainment, and I have complete respect for a performer willing to be that gleefully raw and honest.

I'll agree it wasn't flawless and my attention wained a little here and there. But it was by far the most compelling and least contrived show yet at PCS this season.
Re: badgoat's comment: I thought this a "flawless" show and even with ADD, I was on the edge of my seat hungry to hear what was next.

I asked my friend who accompanied me to the show if this was a comedy or a drama. He said, "It's Life.".
I'm highly recommending this play as the "Best Play of the Decade" and completely an accurate mirror of these days and times.
There aren't many times when I can sit still for two hours without wiggling incessantly in my chair...Crazy Enough kept me interested and involved throughout. I wasn't ready for it to end.

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