If this can truly recreate the food of my Chicagoan (fine, Chicago suburban) youth I will be SO PLEASED. That Michael's place on NE Sandy just doesn't cut it.
How can something be so easy yet so difficult at the same time? I tried a Chicago dog at a place on Hawthorne and all I got was shoddy, second-rate imposter dog. The full disregard of the S. Rosen's bun tipped it off (seriously, it *always* needs poppy-seeds) and, ultimately, it was completely forgettable. Except one thing - the price. I had to fork over a $5 bill. That's just plain wrong.
I look forward to visiting this establishment on Saturday. And hopefully followed by one on Sunday. And maybe then the relationship will blossom such that it demands regular visits, which I will gladly provide given it'll be just a slight detour off my daily commute along the Sunset hwy.
Dogs with Chicago roots aren't too easy to come by, and they've been refined of late. Hot Doug's Sausage Superstore and Encased Meat Emporium sets a standard so insanely high, replicating Chicago's finest seems duly improbable. Best of luck to the new dog house.
During a rare recent trip back to Chicago, I had to have Indian food on Devon and Pizzeria Due. When hunger struck during a walk, I caved to an Italian beef. I don't know if it's available here but my craving is only triggered by one of those yellow Vienna Beef signs you see on every fourth corner. For hot dogs, Wayne's gets it right and Zach's gets it right except for the bun. There is so little else I miss about Chicago. I hope this place thrives.
Just had Windy City Hot dogs. I have to tell the people that me being born and raised in Chicago, this is the real deal. The hot dogs are vienna beef, and it has the works including the neon green relish that is delish.. I have been to a few places that claim to have"Chicago Style beef" but sorry its not the same. The same thing goes for these places that claim to have "sliders" but they are not the same as White Castle..I say go to Windy City and get a Italian Beef sandwich and a Chicago Dog. Then you will have a bite of Chicago.. Now all I need to do is find a decent pizza.. Forget about it...
Great restaurant review. I hadn't gotten to read it yet as I was so busy with the Sex Survey on line, then I saw the review and the picture. The picture is worth a thousand words. Even though I despise Beaverton as they have TOTALLY IGNORED ZONING for the LAST 50 YEARS, I will go just to have the INCREDIBLE CHICAGO DOG in the picture
Went today for the second time. The first time I had the Chicago Dog and a Chili Dog, this time I had the Italian Beef and another Chicago Dog. Everything was great! The bun, the dog, the Sport Pepper, the relish, just everything! Don't miss out on all the great food!
This is the real deal, he buys most everything from Vienna. Had a Chicago dog, and a combo (beef/sausage) today, and I could have just as easily been snarfing them in da loop!
I look forward to visiting this establishment on Saturday. And hopefully followed by one on Sunday. And maybe then the relationship will blossom such that it demands regular visits, which I will gladly provide given it'll be just a slight detour off my daily commute along the Sunset hwy.
I've missed you, Chicago dog. Please be the one.