
Who do I yell at about this?
I wrote a warning about a lot of things on a personal website of mine. If you and the other 1.5 million people in this area did not take the time to read it then don't say I did not take the time to warn you. What do you think I should like go to city meetings and take the time to speak to you about it? You know what, the three microphones placed in front of leading officials, this public meeting thing, checks and balances, public dialogue, and free speech alike are so in the 90's. Who needs them when we have facebook? So I'll just like be the creepy guy in back taking photos of you and saying nothing at these public meetings, but do totally read my blog so that I can say I warned you.

...And do tell us Dirk, why cannot you yourself participate in public meetings? Like the young gangster protesters you derive your weekly dose of drama from, cat got your tongue? Stage fright? Scared your mayor might caste you as one of "the same five middle age white men"?
Hoooooooly shit. That comment.
"Ruin your Summer"??????

Shut up, stop whining, consider some form of active transportation.

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