
My friend Grant is a Mikey Daisey superfan—he made it through all 24 hours of All the Hours in the Day, and also saw The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs at TBA in 2010. He was recently in New York, where Daisey's scheduled run of The Agony and the Ecstasy happened to open just days after Jobs' death. I was curious about if or how that show might have changed given the death of its subject, so I asked Grant to write up some notes. Given that the Jobs show sold out a handful of shows here when it played last year, I thought some of you might be interested as well:

This was pretty much the same version of the performance that was put on at TBA as far as I can recall it with the use of Cathy the translator, the recounting of his history with Apple products, and the learning of the factory component of Apple products via the four photos on a message forum from Shenzhen. The show ran just a bit over 2 hours and 5 minutes.

The piece of the performance incorporating Jobs passing didn't occur until the final five minutes, almost as an epilogue/coda.

More notes after the jump.

Jobs death section:

-Mike describes sitting in the dark of his apartment lit only by the glow of his laptop reading the news.

-He begins to go through a folder of emails from Steve Jobs people have received after they sent him an email after seeing the performance over the years.

-Digression into the email replies of Steve Jobs. "He's a bit like the tooth fairy - an oracle of sorts." "You don't know when you might get a reply from him." (I'm paraphrasing here) "Some may be short one to two words, maybe a sentence or two,"

-Going through the email folder, Mike has a lot people have forwarded him, "...too many"

-These replies serve to underscore that the emails people sent Steve have touched him in someway to respond to so many.

-Jobs may be short in these replies during the day and night, a lot from his iPhone.

-You can see it in the emails, turning in his mind, some of these messages coming from people around the world.

-There is no pattern - I want to belive.

-he was the only hero I ever had.

-At this point Mike describes the computer freezing that he's reading these emails on.

-The machine is frozen and it comes crashing down.

-He reaches over and holds down the power button, powering down the machining, counting to ten.