John Rosman’s fantastic feature debut marks him as an exciting new filmmaker.
We also chatted about cannibalism, memory, and what comes next.
The new documentary from the directors of Free Solo paints complicated portraits of former Patagonia and North Face executives Kris and Doug Tompkins.
Ari Aster releases history’s most unchill film on 4/20 .
The director shot her latest film in Portland, collaborating again with writer Jon Raymond and actress Michelle Williams.
Also swapping, Oregon plays Washington in this charming romantic comedy.
We spoke to one of the women who accused him TikTok and two others who have yet to come forward publicly.
Opening weekend takes us deep into the lives of people and animals on the front lines of a changing climate.
Our city is home to some of the world's most talented animation staff, and they're the ones who built Pinocchio's bones.
In this dubious documentary, a man claims to be the mysterious plane hijacker who parachuted to unsolved infamy in 1971.
Brilliant Portland-made animation, masterful narrative reworking, but could have gone harder on the fascism.
The first feature film from Dawn Jones Redstone is as much about Portland (including a protest reenactment) as it is about ancestors and enchantment.
Portland-raised director Todd Field was best known, before now, for his acclaimed In the Bedroom.
Portland is where the talent is, Selick says.
"Time and time again, climate change is reduced to just a tsunami or just a twister or whatever."
Milestones be damned, PFF wants its own movie theater.
Short films are where the filmmakers of tomorrow are being born.
Half-Brothers Spend Decades Trailing a Mother's Unexpected Departure