The Mercury is looking for a new food/restaurant/drink critic to add to our stable of great writers. COULD THAT BE YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW? Let's find out:
The successful candidate will have extremely strong and snappy writing skills, a passion for food and drink, and an intimate knowledge of the Portland restaurant scene. Reporting skills are a definite plus, as is prior food criticism experience.
Duties include writing a food/restaurant/drink review per week for the print edition, and publishing at least three blog posts per week here on Blogtown. It is a freelance position which allows the candidate plenty of time to have other employment, and this person can choose their own hours—as long as deadlines are met.
Pay is $100 per week, and meals eaten for review purposes are paid for (within reason of course) by the Mercury.
Interested parties should email me here and include the following:
• A cover letter describing why you're so awesome.
• A resume that includes pertinent experience.
• Up to six published food writing clips (blog posts are acceptable, as are PDFs and URLs). No published clips? NO PROBLEM. Send in a 600 word review of a place you've eaten at recently.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8. The Mercury is an equal opportunity employer.
UPDATE: A few people (Hi Matt!) have exhibited confusion over why a food editor is only getting paid $100 per week. To clarify, it's not a food editor position, and not a part-time position with the Mercury. It's a freelance food critic/blogger position. We may bump that up to a bigger position later, though.