
Eh. Its going to be almost three hours so they can fit in Anthony Anderson talking about donuts and playing DDR.
ohoooooo, it's gonna be friggin' sweet! Optimus's voice makes me feel like a kid again.
Awesome! I must get that shot of Megan Fox on the bike as a poster for my ceiling...
You should have learned your lesson from the first Transformers movie. Actually, you should have learned your lesson from every Mike Bay movie.

Even when it should be visually interesting (and what's not visually interesting about Megan Fox?), Bay has a great skill of making it bullshit.
Megan Fox is extremely overrated.
Seriously? The Transformers? Must be "more than meets the eye" compared to what I saw of the first one. Or the cartoon show. Call me when there's a Superfriends or Magilla Gorilla movie.
Why don't they just make a "Megan Fox crawls around on a motorcycle for two hours" movie?

Brian, isn't every Vin Diesel flick basically a Magilla Gorilla movie?
I liked The Island but that was because I got two Ewan McGregors for the price of one.
I'm already seething with anticipation to idly download it in two years and make fun of it over lunch.

Someone should make a feature about that girl's ass. I'd go see that in the theatre.
Hmmm, Megan Fox in jean cut-offs crawling on a motorcyle may replace the Jessica Alba bar-dancing scene in "Sin City" as the "most important 10 seconds of cinema this decade."

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