
smirk, t

Two things:

1. Your link to the Oregonian is broken. Your link to the zoo's website is broken. Please learn the basics of HTML and proof what you write before you post.

2. The zoo is not creepy. I have a zoo membership that allows me to bring in guests. Lets go to the zoo. I'll show you the parts that are totally fucking awesome; like the goats and the lorikeets and the bats. Fuck, the zoo is awesome.
The zoo *is* fucking creepy. It's a 19th century concept, and soon we will look back on the era of zoos and be as embarrassed as you should be right now.
What is creepy about the zoo? And zoos have been around since ancient Egpyt and Mesopotamia. If you're thinking of zoos as being a place for the scientific study of animals and as a place to help educate the public about the environment... that is a modern concept. Do you think aquariums are creepy?
Nope, the zoo is awesome, and totally not creepy. Where else can you see lions, giraffes, polar bears, and a Tears for Fears concert?
Because smirk is either too lazy or incompetent to fix her broken link to the zoo's website, here it is:…
The Oregon Zoo has one of the most well funded habitat programs in the world. I'm all for Animal Rights and I think, in this case, our Zoo is helping the animals. Not hurting them.

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