
Don't know where Toldeo, Or, is, but I do know where Toledo, Or is.
I live near an elementary school that is near a freeway, and personally I'm very interested in the results. How much Benzene am I breathing!? And, why do we have to wait so long for the changes Wyden passed to take effect?!
something to keep in mind . . . one reason that our city ranks poorly for air toxics (relative to other cities) is that we have conducted more testing. in other words, many cities are in the dark regarding their air quality.

in addition to specific chemical risk you also need to take into account risk from particulates. a couple of articles to check out.……
I'm glad DEQ is taking a big picture approach. While I don't mean to bad mouth Mary Peveto, (she is doing a great job at what she wants to accomplish,) her target is ESCO, a steel mill in NW Portland, not air quality Portland wide. If you look at the model of air quality problems from industrial sources in this city, (the very map she uses to justify looking at ESCO,) the school she is worried has significantly better air than some of the schools in N Portland near St Johns, (the model doesn't consider freeways, just point sources.) Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that Chapman is safe, (at all!) just that if you look on a city or statewide basis, DEQ should be worried about bigger problems than Chapman, and among other things, they should also be worried about things that the model doesn't cover, like I-5...

And just to be honest about my motives as well: I live near Clarendon, which is the 4th worst. (Chapman is 9th.)

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