
No John, the fundamental problem is that medicare is a bureaucratically controlled central planning nightmare for doctors and patients.
Just like the 'public option' will become.
D, Why don't you run along and let the grown-ups talk?
Bureaucratically-controlled nightmare? Sounds like our current system.

And sounds like the ridiculous hit pieces I've been reading on health care reform. Distortion city.
D - do you really think that private insurance companies are models of efficiency? They hire people solely to deny claims, harming both patients and doctors, solely to make money for their executives.

Those people are the real death panels.
D talk to your doctor about the difference in dealing with people from medicare and insurance companies. Or better yet ask the secretary, at least talk to someone in the medical field who has to deal with the two. Insurance companies often make it as hard as possible to get stuff covered.
The government, insurance companies. Either way, it's some other than you and your doctor making decisions about your health. Might as well have the government and complete coverage.

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