
Check the Twitter search results for KUFO. Portland is grumpy:
And rightly so. Those guys are awesome.

Also, the movie/BSG nights at the Bagdad were the only promotions for KUFO that didn't make me want to abandon society and live as a hermit.
Just when you thought radio in this town couldn't possibly get any suckier. Thank Gore for internet radio!
Cort and Boomer never really did it for me, but when Fatboy came on, they totally hit the nerdy white guy demographic in a way that no other DJ has ever done it. I'm not sure if management ever figured that one out, (as far as I can tell, radio ads aren't very well targeted, they just go for raw numbers,) so it may not have been what they were looking for, but things like "George W Bush, Boy President" were total genius.
"Horse Brass, tonight, 8 p.m.: the Cort and Fatboy impromptu cancellation party is officially convened!"
via the Oregonian's Mike Russell (@culturepulp), another regular guest on the show.
Are you fucking kidding me? AGAIN with the firings? There were only 2 reasons to turn on the god-damned radio (C+F, Emerson), now there's nary a one.

How fucked up and sad. Two awesome programs featuring immensely talented and entertaining folks. Eerily enough, on C+F's Thursday podcast someone called in and randomly thanked them for a great show and they joked how that kind of praise tyically instigates an impending firing.

Ditch and Ricker? Good fucking god. Radio managment is the most fucked-in-the-head group of dicktards the business world's ever seen.

Fuck Kufo. Fuck the upper-level clods who make these decisions. Fuck the Idiocracy-like business model these witless automotons all seem to blindly follow. Y'all can suck my big, jewish package.

Please, please, please, please Portland radio (or podcast) land: find a home for these shows so they don't leave.

Their show never actually did anything for me, but they seemed like awesome people, and the screenings alone were enough to make me love them.

Does this mean no Lost screenings? Will no hip local media outlet step up and give the guys a hand with that?
Ive been a faithful listener to the Cort and Fatboy and Rick Emerson show for the last two years. Every day I would listen to their podcasts back-to-back while working, and they certainly helped make my day a little brighter. It was like hanging out with my friends. They will certainly be missed.

And to those corporate cocks from Alpha Broadcasting, i just have to say: frack you you huevo pinche gringo punetero. You will rue this day.
The only thing I'm surprised about is that people still listen to the radio.

I had no idea who these people were.
Ugh. I thought KUFO had learned it's lesson with Porkchop & Dogboy and the loathsome Marconi. Cort stuck thru it all and still got screwed. Loyalty is never rewarded in show biz. I hope they can take their act somewhere that appreciates them.
Yeah, I'm with Andy, since those internet pipes with their magical radio stations playing all kinds of songs I had never heard before came along (props to the archives at, I don't play the radio much anymore. Sucks that there might have actually been something worth listening to though and now it is gone.
The best shows on Portland radio will be missed for sure.
Now KUFO can get back to their crappy pop rock play lists.
Methinks that #FAlphaBroadcasting doesn't understand that it is hard for everyone to make a buck in today's economy - much less with crappy content. Both of these shows were top notch and, in addition, managed to reach out beyond the local demographic - setting the stage for what most likely will be the future of radio anyway. Well - when their new shock jocks come in and alienate all but the 3 brain-celled hillbillies and Meth-Heads - perhaps they will have learned something about monetizing a product in today's connected world. Bring them back somewhere.

Is there a radio station in Salem? ;)
Cort n fatboy are the shit. rick emerson sucks balls's always "uhhhh, errrr, uhhh" with him. Terrible radio voice, and he's a loser. Corolla was better.
man. This seriously sucks. Ruined my entire day! Im so mad! Now I have to go THREE DAYS without radio?! They could at least play music and not that stupid ass mothership bull fucking shit! Im so livid!
Well, hopefully Rick will come back on some other station at a reasonable hour, like he was with AM 970, instead of the ass-crack-of-dawn bullshit that was his KUFO timeslot.

Oh, and hopefully all these guys will all end up someplace where they aren't perpetually interrupted by some of the worst music of our times.
Haven't listened to radio outside of OPB for a decade. So this doesn't surprise me much.
well isn't that just peachy....... GOD F'N DAMNIT now I have listen to the 2nd best radio and its not even from portland. these big business people SUCK BIG MONKEY NUTS and need pull there head out of their asses cuz as the saying goes 'if it ain't broke don't fix it" and I'm talkin bout Cort and Fatboy so FUCK Y'ALL in big business and FUCK YOU VERY MUCH
It seemed like KUFO had cornered a great little pop culture/movie and comic book geek niche with Rick Emerson in the morning and Cort and Fatboy in the afternoon. Guess it was too good to last.
They should use Art from Everclear to try to get their jobs back. He co-hosted their show a bunch of times and he still wields a bunch of power here in PDX.
If that asshat from jammin 95.5 could find a new job over night I'm sure that Cort and Fatboy won't have trouble finding work...
QUOTE: "They should use Art from Everclear to try to get their jobs back. He co-hosted their show a bunch of times and he still wields a bunch of power here in PDX."

It's true! I went to Art to have some traffic tickets cleared up a while back. That guy holds all the strings.
Ricker??? really? I listened to him in Seattle for a few years. Imagine a voice that reeks of late night whiskey in a smokey bar with ABSOLUTLEY nothing of substance and ZERO entertainment! I guess the intellect of Cort and Fatboy is too much!
Focus groups and market testing have determined that local radio listeners want one thing and one thing only: Phil Collins.
Has anyone tuned in to KUFO today? They're off the air - playing a neverending countdown until the new format, or whatever. It is RIDICULOUSLY annoying. I mean, they could have just played a baby crying or something, but they really went overboard with the bad Stephen Hawking vocoder that never pauses for breath. I guess Ditch and Ricker wanted everyone to be totally clear just how bad the new KUFO is going to be.
Oh my lord- our pdx-centric talent gets canned and the management hires some douchebags from out of town- Ricker is fucking clown shoes- since I moved to Olympia, I've been subjected to 99.9 with all the crappy frat talent and burned out cliches- Ricker is known for crafting bro speach (hey broskies, gangsters, ect)and and having a voice like herpes. I have lived on a diet of RES and C&FB Podcasts since moving up here. Welcome to the suck.
I'm saddened to hear about cort and fatboy's demise. They got through my job while i was in portland and the podcast was a nice fix now that im living in arizona. thank you guys for always being real and never fake. good luck
Here's a novel idea How about actually playing MUSIC in the morning. Get some Metal Moving in the Morning!!! It's so lame to have guys sucking down caffeine and talking out of their asses for 4 hours. Put the talkers back on AM talk radio where they belong and play more music, more variety and (oh my god) play something new!!
Phil Collins and soft pop rock sucks by the way..
I am angry that Cort and fatboy got the axe. Talk about added insult to injury after two days of that mothership garbage. I've been listening to Cort and his side kick since at least 2002. I got through two divorces and two lousy jobs listening to thise guys. In fact they are to thank for my new wife and beautiful baby girl. Our first date was the midnight showing of Aliens.

I know this may be a long shot but has anyone considered starting a letter writing campaign to get our favorite radio hosts back. I'm sure the Mercury and other Portland news outlets could be helpful in this regard also if thier put their minds to it. Lets bring back Portland based talent to Portland's airways.
OK Portland. It is not enough that we barely have any native Portlanders in this town, now we don't even get radio personalities that know anything about our town. A bunch of douchebags that are morons as well. Have you been listening to these idiots? I fucking hated Emerson and I still liked him better. Cort & Fatboy I will greatly miss. They brought a lot of life to the radio. I hope they are reading all the responses and reactions.
Its sad day for portland radio. I was dreding hole weekend to find out they gave C & F and Emerson show the Axe. On my bad day they could alway make laugh. I have removed kufo from all my presets from radios. and got rid of my kufo swag i gotten over the years. Kufo was the station that rocked now it the station that sucks.

FUCK YOU KUFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's send the message that we Portlanders, do not embrace these new assholes in town, with their condescending attitudes, and BOYCOTT this station and BURY IT!!! by NOT listening!!! TURN YOUR DIAL AWAY FROM THIS STATION PEOPLE!!! Remember the way that it was, and MOVE ON!!!
I agree lets petition to get KUFO put back to the way it was! There is no replacing Cort and Fatboy! I love you guys!
Can anyone say flaming bag of excrement on KUFOs doorstep?
That Ricker guy is a f-ing douchebag....

"Where my Gangsters at!?" Who in the hell says that on a rock station? Go back to 107.5 f-tard.
Yeah... I had a feeling something bad was happening when i heard that dumb 'mothership refueling' crap... I didn't get online till this week though to find out what had happened. I really hope that our geek duo continue to spew 'mediocrity' somewhere. Guys, if your listening... we'll follow you to a new station, podcast, whatever. And..... I fucking hate marconi. kufo is dead to me.
Gangsta broski /BURP /BELCH /vomitjoke broski gangsta
KUFO is officially OFF my pre-sets & not allowed to be played in my presence! I only hope that I hear them on some other, better station soon (and that Marconi & that new guy on before him give each other syphillis & it causes permanent laryngitis: at least then we will not be subjected to the possibility of accidentally hearing their moronic, talentless voices).
Man, it's about time they got rid of those mental midgets. Now that's change i can believe in! The problem is it's Portland, so i'm sure there's a 1000 douche bags to take their place.
KUFO officially sucks now and has lost a female listener due to the degrading A**holes on there now
these fuck tards need to get their shit together i mean seriously if i wanted to listen to some fucking old school shit i would go to KGON. way to take something totally awesome and sodomize it, you cock sucking cheese dick mother fuckers. YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT KUFO!!!!!!

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