
Arrg. She endorses the PPA / Gallatin Group meme of preemptive strike - officers should shoot if they think there is a gun.
This has been a lovely 50 minutes of therapy exploring Chief Sizer's feelings... but absolutely bereft of any substance pertaining to use of force, the Campbell shooting, or changes to police policy.
"A small minority" of Portland police officers live in the city: Why? Because they're afraid of us. Maybe they should be. The interactions between city residents and police have clearly ratcheted up the way both sides treat one another. That's leaving us with a policing agency that acts more like an occupying force. It's time for change from the top down.
I cannot imagine living in Beaverton and trying to cover the city of Portland as a news editor. Living here and being part of the community are qualifications for the job, and I've had my share of death threats.
"the clearest thing I regret is that the cops didn't have the right protection to approach the dead body and get it handcuffed sooner."

Rosie Sizer deserves to be waterboarded, just to make sure she doesn't have any clearer regrets about the death of Aaron Campbell.
Do we pay our cops enough to afford a home in Portland? Honestly I don't know what cops make but considering the salaries of other public employees that I know somehow I don't think there are many areas in Portland you could afford a home on that kind of salary.
"We are highly desirous of having a more diverse police department...."

Fuck highly desirous for now. Fire some of your violent racist white cops and get on track to fill those positions with good people, maybe with a preponderance of X chromasomes and some melanin and foreign language skillls!

What a disgrace she is. If Rosie Sizer had even an inch of character, she would give up her "full retirement" PERS paycheck and retire a little early, by resigning. You know, Rosie Sizer, Japanese execs commit suicide when they bring shame on to their organizations. Couldn't you just resign early, as a way to communicate your 'real regret' over the slaughtering of Aaron Campbell? You, like Frashour and others, are a greedy self-serving thug, just in feminine guise.
@Matt Davis - And deportation threats, don't forget.
Initial hires at Portland Police Bureau are paid more than $2,000 above the median income for males as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. After five years of service, a Portland police officer earns a base salary of $61,992. Compare this to the median household income of Portland residents of $50,271. These wages are minimums. Most police officers earn a considerable amount of overtime on top of their base salaries. I think that should settle the question about whether they can afford to live in the city. They simply choose not to.
if I hear or read that crap of "Officer's have a rough job, etc. etc....blah!...blah!" any- more, I'm tempted to walk up to next cop I see and puke all over them. This canard of theirs is getting old and the epitome of unimaginative thinking (Rosie, right!).

Somebody ought to drag Rosie to the side and whisper in her damned ear that rather than all this job-carping in such public manner--as a silly and vain EXCUSE to kill fellow-citizens--she (and her toadies) should be like the rest of us citizens...if we don't like the job, we quit and find one to our's called "KISS solutions" (Keeping it Simple for Simpletons) and they're are no more special than we.

Rather than waste time and insult our collective intelligence, they ought to try a different tactic, for it's as if they're reduced to such maudlin hysterics of such silly screechings, then they are simply whistling in their own Cemetery of Dead Causes.
Chief Sizer, there's a helluva difference between "regret" and "remorse". and remorse would have led you and the bureau to a whole different set of responses.
I remember a 'Risk Management' professor once advised the class:
"Always use the word 'regret' and never say you're sorry since sorry implies responsibility and regret acknowledges sadness over the event, but makes no assumption as to your having any personal responsibility for the event."

If Dan Saltzman and the City Council want to send a meaningful message to the community, then tomorrow they should pass a requirement that all new police officers hired must live in the city of Portland.

Truthfully, I wouldn't mind having a cop living on my street...but maybe not next store, counting my plants-

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