
oh that's just great! now where am I going to find a babysitter? Uncle Jack's Van-O-Fun was the cheapest place in town!
If the Portland pigs can't handle this guy wielding a butterknife , boxcutter , rambo knife , or whatever , there is something really wrong . I would feel confident handeling him with a wiffle ball bat . They have mace , tasers , batons or retractors and training to de-esculate a situation . your telling me this poor man had to be shot 4 times for the murdering pig to keep him away . I don't get it .
PDX Oddball: If you would take on a person wielding a box cutter, razor knife, or whatever, with a wifle ball bat, then you are obviously living in a dream world. It's obvious to me that you are a cop-hater, and that's too bad. The vast majority of the police do a very good job. It's just a few that make it bad for all the rest.
ujfoyt - Whatever gave you the idea that PDX Oddball is a cop-hater? I thought they loved being referred to as "pigs"!

There is no doubt in my mind that i could have handled the situation and got the knife away from him without shooting him in every appendage . I was in the military and am athletic . We should expect the same from the popigs shouldnt we ? The guy obviously needed help ( not in the form of bullets ) .

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