
I agree, a public whipping should be good enough.
The tier that exists between fines and prison is called "community service", and Sandy Day will be serving between 100-200 hours. You know... like you reported:…

So yeah... what is it you want?
How about something similar to involuntary manslaughter?

Seem to me that the City of Portland just wants to keep the death of YET ANOTHER citizen by one of it's own employees quiet by avoiding prosecution. Oh well, at least the cops won't make us wait very long for another.
I think we should pass the vehicular homicide law that the House debated in the last two sessions. It makes accidentally killing someone with your car a misdemeanor, which carries more weight than traffic tickets and community service, but wouldn't mean shipping a solid citizen like Day to prison.
The City of Portland does not employ Tri-Met drivers -- Tri-Met does. Learn how your government works before you criticize it, dude.

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