
This is just an example of Amanda Fritz providing special favors to private businesses. And also that the City of Portland hates street art in particular. Quit buffing over freely provided art!

WHAR-GARBBLLLE!!! It's hot outside and lets make some people's tempers flare!
Did she first form a committee to discuss the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, inclusiveness and neighborhood involvement issues associated with removing that sticker?
Thank you Sarah! This truly moving story has inspired me to take up sticker graffiti art!
Three cheers for Commissioner Busybody!
Alright I'm gonna say it.

Who tipped you she was going to be out there doing this? I refuse to believe this was just a coincidence.
You guys did a Randy with duct-tape.

Why not an Amanda with grafitti stickers?

Totally a coincidence! I was biking to Joe Biden's event in SW and it's hard to miss an iconic figure crouched on the curb.
It's so much easier to just swoon over influencial people than actually do critical journalism.
So Blabby, your lede would have been "Do-gooder Commissioner Amanda Fritz was spotted downtown today violently removing public art from a lovely newspaper box."?
No, my lede would have come out of taking a critical look at actual business in City Hall. Not kissing the butt of every official in town as long as they keep saying the words "bikes" and "sustainability."

It's the point I've made here many times about the Mercury playing cheerleader, instead of being skeptical of the city's political power structure.
She's lost my vote.
Although I'm skeptical about the relative amount of power Ms. Fritz wields at City Hall, I've gotta agree with Blabby about the overall schmoozefest factor of the Merc's political coverage.
Stu wins comment of the week.

Also: kind of strange that she'd lead an event to clean up graffiti in the pearl district. because, you know, you just CAN'T have any markups on those post boxes and the like near the condos.
If I have to attend a meeting to learn how to unstick stickers from morning paper boxes then most likely am not doing it. If it´s before 9 am the less. Anyways, she can have her own tag and like after cleaning up the flat surfaces Tag the space so to know that it can´t be tagged anymore.
Oh damn, it's such a shame I read this so late. I really wanted to be up at 8 am on a Saturday morning to clean up graffiti; especially when it's so "easy" to do in 90 degree heat.

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