
That's a misleading headline, don't you think? From what you've posted and from the information in the linked article, it seems that there's no evidence that he was, in fact, gay.
Or, to quote Mr. Show, "NO GAY SON OF MINE IS A NOT-GAY!"
Dan, you realize you're posting this on a site that links to the westboro baptist church?
This was a child with inadequate coping skills. Who gives a frack about his gender preference.

Teach you kid some coping skills, Aikido, and to Vogue then they can be themselves and be respected, or at least feared.
"This was a child with inadequate coping skills."
Bullies are children with inadequate parenting, inadequate self esteem, inadequate compassion, surrounded by inadequate leaders and inadequate discipline.
Teach your children respect, then they can be themselves without needing to be feared, or have fear.

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