
solar powered lights for the darkest time of the year in what appears to be a shaded area. genius.
Is it really eco-friendly if it requires more production, shipping, and landfill waste?
i agree with night moves. i mean how green is it really.

and LCD xmas lights are super efficient.
i meant LED

light-emitting diode
Shut up you critics, it's not about reality - it's about FEELINGS
@D Indeed.
Reminds me of the the solar powered garbage cans all over downtown that require more upkeep/energy to maintain, not to mention they haven't replaced all regular garbage cans so trucks still have to make their route weekly.

Let's not get into how much energy (carbon footprint) it takes to produce solar panels in the first place.
Those solar trashcans are hilarious. I've seen multiple people walk around them quizzically and then, unable to figure out how to operate the device, just leave their trash ON TOP of them. This speaks almost as poorly of their design as it does of some Portlanders' intelligence.

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