
So Tolkien ripped off Plato? Is that what you're telling us?

Also, you smell, Eli.
One day, far in the future, internet anonymity will be a thing of the past. We're still in the Wild West phase.

Also, @ ROM: DIAF, you filthy hawaiian fuck.
fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck.
My name is Iricz Zhukts and I live in somewhere the mid western region. There, problem solved.
You aren't anonymous on the internets dumbasses. Everything you say and everywhere you go is studiously logged and filed away for future reference.
So Tolkien ripped off Plato? Is that what you're telling us?
So Plato had a time machine and ripped off Tolkein? Is that what you're telling us?
Also, when is the Mercury going to trash its commenting system and opt for Disqus! Gawd!! I want to be able to sign in using twitter, typing in my email every time is so Web 1.0.

SMG BITCHES! (Not that I would ever do that in person, unless the FBI provided me with said SMG)

The people who *really* have no shame just use their real names...BTW, I'm Todd, pleased to meetcha.
Calm down, People! Plato didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of both The Lord Of The Rings and the Dialogues are completely intact.
@Super Chunky: You're a bastard plagiarist! See you in court, bro.

Also, you can utilize the "web 2.0" feature: "Remember me on this computer, etc." Then you don't have to type in anything. I stay logged in allllllll dayyyyyyy.
@ROM The FBI set me up!

The Portland Mercury is NOT about to leave cookies on my computer. (Who the hell knows what's in them; WSH's STD?) I clear my history after every session.

Also Disqus alerts you to when your comment has been replied to by someone else i.e. we don't have to keep checking in constantly. Not that I do that... (But I guess that's how WSH "earns" all his money; rich bastard!)
This Julie Zhou seems pretty smart for figuring out something so goddamn obvious. Congrats.
So, this is basically a restatement of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. Nothing new.

It's basically true, though. I comment, blog, tweet, etc. using my real name. It really does prevent me from being an ass online most of the time.
So, this is basically a restatement of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. Nothing new.

It's pretty much true, though. I comment, blog, tweet, etc. using my real name. It really does prevent me from being an ass online most of the time.
(Sorry about the double post. Deleting/editing comments would be a handy addition here at Blogtown.)
Simplistic. The real problem is the hate these various anonymous people feel towards each other.
@sexmachinealpha STFU!
Here's why "trolling" is getting more press lately: politicians want to pass more nanny-state laws that cripple the free expression available on the internet.

But a forum with good administrators is troll free. There's no need to bring the Government into it. They couldn't solve the problem anyway. The last thing we need is another federal level grab of civil liberties plunging us closer to a police state.
I'm disappointed. The Blogtown comments section on an article about anonymous internet trolling should be much, well... trollier.
Just more liberral poropogandah from the socialst obama-lovin portland commie crowd.

(does that work, pdxMB?)

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