TV Feb 3, 2011 at 11:00 am


I'd just like them to show the fire episodes...
I have a feeling this will suck.
>Does this mean Mike Judge is done with filmmaking?

Having seen Judge's last two movies, here's hoping...
I'd much rather view a Ren and Stimpy return to the airwaves.
Ugh, Extract was godawful. I liked Idiocracy, though (with reservations).
Did you ever see SpikeTV's Ren and Stimpy rehash? It was bad news.
WHEW! For a second there I thought we were completely out of new ideas. Oh...
Are Beavis and Butthead going to sit around their laptop and watch music videos on YouTube or something?!
Bring back Davey and Goliath!
I liked Idiocracy. It was a really great documentary.
I agree with the popular knock on MJ: he is great at concepts, and starting movies, but sucks at second and third acts.

As for B&B returning, this is really, really weird to me, but I look forward to what was so good it justified reincarnating the series.
Mr. Van Driessen! Daria! Daria's spin-off show revisited??
Beavis and Butthead are now older and wiser running as tea party candidates.
I too enjoyed Idiocracy, even though I think it was one of the worst made movies in recent memory. One thing that stood out like a sore thumb was the need to have the narration explain what the film maker couldn't convey with, um, film making.
There's also this weird, almost Ayn Rand-ian subtext within all of Judge's stuff that makes me wonder if he isn't a closet Objectivist, not to mention that Idiocracy is one big Eugenics joke repeated over and over.

King of the Hill had some funny bits, though.

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