Bikes Apr 14, 2011 at 3:44 pm


Fucking spring time means dumb ass cyclists getting in my way. Either learn how to peddle faster or get out the way.

Also Clever Cycles specializes in Dutch city bikes, not "pretty girly-type bikes". For "pretty girly-type bikes" I'd recommend Crank on SE 28th.
Sooo, err, what kind of wares do you peddle so quickly?
So, errr, what kind of wares do you peddle so quickly?
@gabreil amadeus: your mother.
Excellent round-up of all the bike advice that's fit to print.
also, thanks for the Portland By Cycle Rides shout-out. They're going to be kick-a-word fun.
I always have claps for the bike shop on Mississippi and Crank.

My hope is someday all Portland bikers will glance left for other bikers heading in their direction before they turn right.
Also, check out for the top ten ways to not get hit by cars.
Ups to Graham.
But wait! I just loaded the newest version of Google Maps on my phone and it now does bike directions (albeit in beta). If anyone knows any other mobile bike directions apps, I'm still looking.
On my G2, I have the option for bike directions in the Google Map app.
More proof Portlanders that would be technically considered 'adults' everywhere else are still figuring out what most knew at age 6.
I have my doubts about, it says I should go against traffic on Couch instead of along Ankeny when I'm going eastbound.

What I would really love is a mobile site that tells you the flattest route between point A and point B. I often wonder where I should ride between Burnside and Hawthorne, for example.
GRAHAM. You know I am going to be riding a bike around this spring after YEARS of not riding a bike and so will be peddling slowly.

Do not be needlessly judgey please or I will not ride around SE with you making fun of stupid things.
Also @sarah those bikes at Clever Cycles are so pretty! Just was I was looking for. Imma get one.
I don't know the mother of gabreil amadeus. My mom proudly gave birth to a Gabriel Amadeus.
I expected this thread to be full of buttholes, but I am pleasantly surprised. Nice post about bike etiquette.

I'm a big proponent: Every day, I consider making a sticker for my helmet that says something along the lines of "Don't make us look like buttholes by breaking road rules. Also, wear a helmet like the one that I am wearing now."
I'd add one: Never, ever, ride on the sidewalk. That's for pedestrians. Bike lanes and sharrows are there for a reason, and riding on the sidewalk rightly freaks out people on foot.
I'd like to put in a pitch for buying used bikes from the fine gentlemen at Sellwood Cycle Repair. They usually have a really legit selection of both low/mid-end mountain bikes and mid/high end road bikes & frames. And in my experience they're very honest about the bikes' condition and whether the seller is asking a fair price or not, and they're really nice to ladies and noobs (or at least current owner Erik Tonkin and retired owner Steve Landon fit that bill - I couldn't say anything about current staff). The only problem is getting all the way down there if you don't have a bike yet...but just imagine how much you'll enjoy riding your new steed home on the springwater/willamette path!
I have a big dog that I take on walks in various parks and sometimes on streets with no sidewalks (Cully 'hood). When bikes zip past us without giving us some space, it freaks my dog out. Buddy is a good dog who's been trained to behave, but a startled animal will often try to chase any fast-moving thing that gets too close. At least yell or something BEFORE you zip past us, and please give us space. It would suck for everybody if Buddy knocked you off your bike.
Biking on the sidewalk is fine outside of downtown.

I was biking home a few weeks ago and a woman was walking in a crosswalk. I easily could have kept going and missed her by about 20 feet, but I stopped. She gave me an exaggerated look and said you did NOT have to do that!

May I add that STOP signs are also important to observe.
I have a fear of a repeat of the bicyclist who flew through a stop sign and almost hot my car one day last fall. Had he hit me, my daughter would've been hurt.
Had I hit him, he'd be seriously injured or worse.
Maybe I'm naive, but when i ride my bike, this fear keeps me honest.
Sisya you are like someone whose dog "hates minorities." Your dog is responding primarily to your fear and aggression; a verbal warning from the cyclist will help your dog only as much as it reduces your stress. You must take ownership of the energy you radiate.
How about one simple rule: Don't be a douche bag.
If you're driving a car, don't drive like a douche bag.
If you're walking, don't walk like a douche bag.
If you're biking, don't bike like a douche bag.
If you're commenting on Blogtown, don't be a douche bag (that goes double for Graham).
Commenty Colin +1
About riding on sidewalks:
-the law allows you to ride on sidewalks, outside of downtown, so long as you are riding slowly (essentially, no faster than a jogger)
-when bicycles are on sidewalks or crosswalks, they are technically pedestrians
-please be courteous to foot traffic using the sidewalk or crosswalk.
I currently ride on the sidewalk due to a lost helmet. I have no intention of riding through Irvington (where the streets are narrow, and drivers can get aggressive if they can't get around you) at the speed of traffic, so I assume the safest thing for everyone is that I ride slower on the sidewalk. I have no problem coming to a crawl, or even a complete stop, if there's a pedestrian.
Tori Bortman, who runs maintenance classes at Gracie's Wrench, just emailed me her 5 Top Spring Cleaning Tips. Enjoy:

1. Clean your Frame: Everyone looks better with bling and it's great to get off that spring and winter grime.
2. Clean your rims: This helps you stop rain or shine and will make your wheels and brake pads last longer.
3. Oil your chain: Nothing runs like a well-oiled machine.
4. Air your tires: The fastest way to a smooth ride and the best way to get your bike in shape. If the bike has been sitting for a while and you see cracks in your rubber, it's time to replace!
5. Get your bike in for work while the deals are on: Take advantage of early spring sales. A lot of shops have great deals to get the season started. Take advantage!
sexmachine, my dog doesn't hate bicyclists, and neither do I. He reacts to being startled, as do plenty of humans. Normal cyclist, giving us a couple of feet of space, no problems. Cyclist who comes up behind us, zooms by super-fast about 10 inches from us, almost hitting Buddy or me startles him. If I see or hear somebody on their way towards us, I can give Buddy a signal with the leash and prevent a reaction.
Regardless of your assessment of me as a dog-owner, it is really fool-hardy for a fast-moving cyclist, runner, or skateboarder to get really close to a strange dog and potentially startle it.
Also, sexmachinealpha, you seem to be radiating some aggression and bad energy yourself. Geebus.
helmet optional? apparently so are brains. helmets are cheap; massive brain trauma is not. your hair does not look as cool as you think it does in your bicycle-generated breeze. your hat looks dopey. sans helmet is code for "cull me from the herd; i'm too stupid to be part of the gene pool".

says the guy clipped by the car, thrown 20 feet thru the air, and alive today thanks to - a $45 helmet. (and the quality of my kids is proof i do belong in the gene pool.)
@31 - Seriously, I'm in full agreement (except the bit about your dumb-ass kids). I think most people would agree that there's something really great about an attractive lady cruising past on a cool bike. But stupidity is just so deeply ugly, and I can hardly see past that mindless skull.
wow, an historic post from before the CAPS LOCK broke on Graham's 'puter!

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