
If you have an American flag in your Facebook picture, you are an asshole until proven otherwise.
"But, of course, she's quickly shouted down in a neener-neener, ad hominem pile-on. "

Good thing Blogtown doesn't have any of that!
I like how "nice try" is an argument now.
If you have an American flag in your Facebook picture, you are automatically a better American than everyone else.
Ken, Pete & Jeff should be set on fire.

There shouldn't really be anything controversial about that.
@CC: If you get them while they're wearing the stars-and-stripes T-shirts they undoubtedly own, it's probably constitutionally-protected political speech. They'd support that, right?
The left should furiously co-opt the American flag and all its various iterations.
@ CC: Murder is too good for those people. Do the worst thing possible and gay marry them or falsify one of their documents.

That comment thread is a pretty fucking solid counterpoint to the proposal that removing anonymity from internet comments will somehow elevate the discourse. At least you guys are funny.
Why won't anyone mention that some plumbing work on her house had NOT passed a city inspection?
I love Ken Taylor. Why yes... I *do* prefer heterosexual murder!
So now we are advocating violence (setting people afire, heterosexual murder) in the face of disagreement? This post was pointing out that a law, beyond the murder, was broken, albeit in a rather poor manner. That these women were unlawfully married certainly doesn't overshadow the murder, but the point is still valid.

Comments like this which are sadly common show that there is hatred and intolerance on all sides of every issue. It makes you look as foolish and hateful as those who advocate violence against gay people. Sad.

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