
While officers were attempting to give CPR to the suspect he was accidentally shot with a shotgun.
Fuck. This sucks.
I'm with Rusty. Shit happens, but it sure happens a lot when the PPD are around. This ain't Mayberry, we need some serious attention paid to "serve and protect"...
The guy might have swallowed the drugs he was holding, when they got pulled over.
@ El Stunto, Me getting run over or robbed because of shitbird parole-violating meth users happens a lot less when the PPB are around.

Until there is a single shred of non-purely-circumstantial evidence that this didn't happen the way PPB claims, I think we ought to leave cause of death decisions to the Adventist physicians.
@ CC, how often does it happen when they aren't around? I'm just curious about the numbers.
@ guspasho, while you're of course right that I don't have the luxury of a control sample, I hope you're not prepared to take your argument to it's logical limit - that a city with no cops would be as safe as a city with cops.

Our predictable divide is pretty boring: While I'm no great pal of cops generally, I think PPB (with some glaring exceptions) does a pretty good job almost all of the time, compared to other places I've lived. I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt unless the facts seem suspicious or new evidence is brought up, and there's a crew of usual suspects around here who think by default the cops are lying, and should generally be considered guilty until proven otherwise.

Your comment demonstrates that last part quite well - the quantum of proof required usually can't ever be realistically achieved, so it's the same ol' boring impasse.
@ CC, my argument was simply going to be that there are a lot more police shootings and dead guys in police cars when the police are around, not that there should be no police.

I know what you're saying, that the police still do their jobs well almost all of the time, and that goes unnoticed. The police are human beings with stressful jobs and deserve the same benefit of the doubt as anyone else.

But how many times have you seen police cars tap their sirens just to run red lights?

The police are human beings who are entrusted with extraordinary power, and they will inevitably misuse it, and that's why they should be held to a higher standard and scrutinized more closely than anyone else would be. And, while they do their jobs well most of the time it's those few mistakes or abuses of power that, however disproportionately or unfairly, significantly erode public confidence and trust in the police.

The worst possible reaction to someone dying in police custody is to say "Sounds plausible enough to me, I don't think we need to look in to this any further." That's basically saying we are willing to let the police get away with murder.

That's my real, non-snarky argument.
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