
".....make Obama a better, more DEMOCRATIC candidate"
WTF ??
Explain yourself.
@Frankieb - I think he means that because Jon isn't nearly as right-wing as most of the rest of the Republican candidates, if he was the front-runner for the party, Obama would have to differentiate himself by learning further to the left.

Because most of the Republican field is currently held by crazy people, Obama can walk a very moderate path and still count on Paul's vote as being 'kinda-sorta-Democratic.'
This is what I suspect too.
Yet another far left fruit-cake with completely unrealistic ideas of what Obama could accomplish is now so sad that he couldn't walk on water and heal the blind.
Of course, we don't really know what he intended with the remark.
Reminds me again of the unrealistic Nadar voters, who by forcing Gore to spend precious time and money kissing the far lefts ass, essentially helped elect Bush.
Obama is doing alright.
Jon Huntsman knows who Captain Beefheart was.

Think about that.
He also was a mormon 'missionary' in Taiwan.
When I saw those familiar cheap suits with name badges in Japan it just made me cringe. I wanted to scream 'GO HOME' at them.
REALLY Renaud???? Cause that is kindof important to me. I am not being facetious. Not that I would vote for the guy. But at least I can respect him.
Let's not praise him, he raised taxes on poor people in Utah, he is just slightly less crazy than the rest of the repubs

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