
As someone who likes to consume alcohol in unreasonable quantities, the current segregggtioon ofof ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
This is an end run to prevent dissolution of the OLCC like they did in WA with the WLCC. Smart.
I was just talking with a liquor store owner about this. The difference here is that liquor store owners aren't state employees; they're contractors. So frankly, this won't change anything except removing the number two source of income to the state's general fund.
As someone with a passion for distilled spirits, I very much appreciate the OLCC. See GMN for details.
Dump the OLCC.
Prohibition didn't work then and it doesn't work now. That's why I want folks to be able to purchase their vodka, heroin and Cheetos all in the same store.
I really REALLY hope this passes. I hate going into liquor stores. I look 12, so they always treat me like I have a fake ID. Somehow I feel like it will be better if I'm in a grocery store.
The only thing I miss about California are the 1.5-liter plastic bottles of generic vodka at Safeway. Well, that and bikinis during the winter. (Though I could never really find one that fit me properly.)

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