
Editor wanted. Come quickly!
Bradley Manning is getting just what he deserved.
Yet another 'occupy' action that was perhaps well-meaning, but simple minded in its' reasoning.
frankieb, just what is it that you believe Manning deserves? His day in court? You sir/madam seem to be a trifle confused about what has been taking place these past 10+ years. Manning has been accused of releasing documents/videos, none of which were classified, which revealed war crimes. So please, tell me just who is the simple-minded one here?!
I don't think he deserves Death, as I am opposed to the Death Penalty, but his actions could have possibly caused the loss of life of our own troops, and for that reason alone he should get life behind bars.
Read up, again, on what he is accused of - I say 'again' because you must have forgotten or was not aware of it to begin with.
He is accused of passing on sensitive CLASSIFIED information onto Assange.
I too did not like the war we became involved in, and I resented Bush for it. But that is no reason to forgive treason that could put your fellow soldier into harms way.
Our government leaders who invaded Iraq are the one who put thousands of soldiers in harms way. Al qaeda was never in Iraq. It was a total lie. The administration that supported the attitude that lead to Abu ghraib put thousands in harms way. The senseless murder of thousands upon thousands of Iraqis while contractors stole billions put soldiers in harms way. Bradly Manning served to expose the lies and hypocrisy of what was going on. I do not know what his motives were but I consider what he did may have saves countless lives by exposing the folly of our leaders actions and eroding support for a senseless bloodbath designed to make traitorous companies in the United States billions in profit. The wrong person is clearly on trial in my mind
Manning did what journalists during the Vietnam war had free reign to do - show the ugly reality of war. The fact he has been nailed to the wall without any due process should bother any constitutionalist. It bothers me.
I'm becoming convinced that Frankie B. has dyslexia in the form of only understanding what's being written by conservative media and then going to Occupy-related posts and regurgitating those talking points. That's a real medical condition, right? Try reading "A People's History of the United States". I'd be happy to read it aloud to you if your conservative condition creates any issues.
The crimes Manning exposed caused loss of life. He deserves the Medal of Honor.
@6- As a former service member I can tell you that Manning is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, not the Constitution. There is no "due process" in the military. Manning released classified documents that he had access to only because he held a security clearance. Releasing these, during wartime no less, can be seen as tantamount to treason within the UCMJ. No amount of posturing as a cartoon tyrant will change these facts, nor will it hold any weight with the United States Army.
What crimes did he "blow the whistle" on? What revelations were in these classified documents? I just read the entire Wikipedia article to see if I'd missed something, and there's nothing listed there. He hasn't revealed any crimes - all he did was put people at risk, to no purpose. No wonder Occupy likes him - he's just like the vandals downtown that accomplish nothing.
Iceprez, precisely. I never saw any constructive purpose in what he released (which as you point out can be construed as treason). Btw Occupy idiots, no one walks into a recruitment center off the street. So you accomplished nothing really other than drawing attention to yourselves which is really the goal, isn't it?
"Btw Occupy idiots, no one walks into a recruitment center off the street."

Brilliant. From whence, then, do they walk into recruitment centers?
@12- Typically they get you in a public place, like downtown or the shopping mall. I met my recruiter at Lloyd Center
Macho assholes on the internet? What a surprise.
Oh frankie...
if i had known, i would have shown up. and kicked some ass! how dare you shut down our nations recruiting stations and cause so much trouble acting like idiots. these are the very people keeping the rest of the world from taking everything you love away. including your life. seriously, do you think you can protect yourself? next time, let me know before hand so i can show up and start my own protest. agaisnt all you retarded protestors. get a life eh?
How military people still believe they are fighting to protect our country and not some rich people's pocket book in an oil war is just amazing!

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