
All this post needs is a sentence about how adorable Alison's cat is and it will have covered Every Single Thing Alison Never Stops Talking About Ever.
I watched this show with my dad a few years ago, and we were blown away by how fun and awesome it is. Plus, it introduced me to Paul Gross, who is now one of my favorite actors (And made me question my heterosexuality a bit to boot)
I don't know why you would publically admit that you are just NOW watching this show. You prolly lost about 8 or 9 theater nerd points with this confession. That being said, you could prolly earn them back by devising an intricate Slings and Arrows drinking game with me... -Noah
This show is fantastic. Even though the era is fading, I snatched the DVD's up long ago without regret. ALSO, rumor has it they're bringing it back for a fourth season! WOO.
Drink every time Martha Burns says soorry.
I know, I lose all the points. But I did this post because I've mentioned the show to a handful of friends and no one seems to have seen/heard of it. So I sacrificed my theater nerd cred for the greater good, Noah. Like Jesus, kind of. #queequeg

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