
I'm guessing African American's are the predominate victims of gun violence as well.
Stop being so racist, Chuck.
Learn how to use an apostrophe, Chuck.
ROM: I am incapable of detecting sarcasm anymore, so I'm not entirely sure how to take that.

D&W: Your skills grammar policing online must make you a real hit at parties.
Liberals eating liberals. Love it.
Chuck, I feared that may be the case. It was sarcasm!
When the food supply gets too low... 20 people? 10 gotta go!
Good thing most of the parties I attend aren't online, eh?
@ Rom - According to the U.S. DOJ homicide statistics, Black are approx. 13% of the total population, yet commit 52% of all murders in this country (mostly to other Blacks.) Is it not "racist" to acknowledge the disparity in homicide statistics and criminality. That's why they ore over-represented in the exclusions.
What goes around, comes around!

Anti 2nd ammendment laws and gun restrictions have their root in the South just after the Civil War. They were designed to restrict (prevent) recently freed slaves from owning or carrying firearms by the use of selective enforcement by white Democrats!

African-Americans are disproportionately affected by the this, but African-American males disproportionately make up gang membership and gun crime violence in the city.

It's really tough to argue this from a statistical or anecdotal point. If we want to get real technical, gun violence impacts are mostly caused by young African-American males.

I, as a male willingly accept that my gender is shitty (and is violent as compared to women) and needs to change. I am not offended by this and community leaders in these areas need to accept the undeniable facts regarding this serious issue.

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