
Another white guy that doesn't understand context. How surprising.
That fat chick was annoying. Jim slayed her with logic.
They got off topic. Wish guys like Jim would stop, slow-down and dissect for the layperson what makes a rape joke funny. We are in the golden age of comedy analysis. This should be simple yet it never happens. Are there funny rape jokes in a stand up context? I haven't heard one yet. In Arrested Develpment 1.0, Buster, angry with his mom, whispers to himself about her rape whistle "yea, like anyone would want to R her." I laughed at that. It's satire within satire. Funny. but a television show.
I'm still waiting to hear how Tosh saying "yea, maybe we should all gang rape you! Yuck, yuck!" is funny. Is it different than Michael Richards yelling "nigger!" on stage? I don't think so. And he was roundly and justifiably condemned and ostracized.

Hold your art to a higher standard, bitter comic dudes. Rights vs responsibilities. It's ok to call out bad comedy. You all are so bitter and way more petty with each other than the general population anyway. Jesus christ the indignation and cries of theivery if another comic coincidentally uses a line, a mannerism, a theme you think you invented. Don't pretend you honor the sanctity of free speech. You're just safeguarding your own against future criticism. Rape jokes that make the press are dumb, said by dumber comics and you know that's true. Stop defending it.
Re-watch the video, Jim SAID rape jokes weren't funny and that hack comedians use them. The problem he's having is people like you saying "you can't say that!" which is both fucking dumb and goes against freedom of speech. What you want to do is censor comedians from telling lame, hacky, tacky jokes. The only one giving them more attention is people like you. Get over yourself and find some other bullshit issue to get flustered about.
The best part is how he trivializes her at the end by saying they should make out. Fucking hilarious, amirite?
if you follow the arc of this issue beyond this video, you know nary a person is is trying to squelch free speech. The issue is whenever anyone says dumb thing re: rape on stage and there's outrage b/c it's dumb, insensitive and born out of a different place than the chuckle lobes of our brain, every comedian stops and starts the dialogue with "hey man, free speech, just jokes, free speech." And nothing advances.

Don't worry about it, dumb guy. At some point a good comedian with a dong (and balls) will break the mold and offer a more substantial response. I'm sure you'll be ready in comment sections to not let the ship go down without a fight. Godspeed.
Oh, "dumb guy". Great one!

PS you can't outlaw rape jokes.

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