
I wonder if the Republican gun nuts will be saying that the only thing that'll stop bad guys with guns are developmentally disabled people with guns?

You're quickly running out of pro-gun arguments hillbillies.
We already have far more guns than anybody else. More guns is obviously not the answer.
And why aren't we supposed to call this 'Domestic Terrorism'?
Because it isn't looking to be fully domestic. Merc - feeling a little ridiculous about your made up report of "white males" on Facebook earlier today? And no, that white male thing wasn't reported anywhere else that I could find, even earlier today. It sure did fit your narrative of wanting it to be a crazy white gun nut though.

Nothing is final yet, but my gut tells me this wasn't what you initially reported it as. When was the last time you saw a Caucasion woman suited up with an assault rifle fighting police? You do see this with jihadists though. Has all the hallmarks of Islamic terrorists who were lying in wait and decided to "pull the trigger" on their plan a little early on a not so obvious target that it sounds like one or more of them had some sort of relationship with.

Now that's somewhat speculatory, but then again, I'm not claiming to be a reliable news source like the merc is
Actually, other news organizations weren't spewing that "conclusion". I couldn't find a single reference to the "white male", even minutes after the mercury reported it and after googling just that. I don't watch fox news and wasn't even in a location with a tv last night.

Take a look at how this is unfolding, CaptainStupor, and come back and tell me whose hunch was right.

Complete troll fail on your part!
BTW, Guns were purchased here in the US legally. That's the real problem.

Your medal for journalistic integrity is in the mail JTR.
Doesn't matter where the guns were purchased. The issue is a) the merc making up the "white male" thing, and b) now they are following the media line of having a hard on for islam (they won't report the names of the suspects even, according to a recent post) while not batting an eye at calling out the christian right for things like the abortion clinic shooting in CO. I am not a christian, btw.

All religious nuts are dangerous and fucked up. It is funny though, that islam gets a free pass and we tip-toe around the subject of terrorism being based on islamic ideals....or in your case come up with half-assed arguments like "..but...but the guns were purchased here", to try and minimize the fact that there are islamic nuts out there who are willing to kill for their religion in MUCH LARGER numbers than other religions. And no, it doesn't matter that these people have twisted "true" islamic ideals (same can be said for the shooter in CO). The religion has a real problem on its hands, and should be called out for it.

See what the great Bill Mahr has to say on the subject....he is right on.

Not a Christian huh? I guess that means you must be a Buddhist then. Well, based on you always taking the high road and all.

Anyhow.. Anyone without a felony conviction that doesn't appear to be obviously insane can get a gun almost as easily as a fucking Slurpee. That is the problem.

I'm a huge Bill Maher fan and agree with him on this topic.

But... I don't think he was home stroking it to the possibility that this shooting could've been carried out by extremist Muslims. What would the difference in the net result be if this shooting was carried out by a random nut job or a Muslim? Do tell.
Nope, Fox came up with the "white males" presumably per what the cops thought at the time.…
Actually, the San Bernardino police scanner reported the female suspect as a "female arabic" pretty early on in the afternoon. So no, I wasn't just speculating and hoping, troll boy.

I'm annoying? A loser who has been booted multiple times and obsessively creates new accounts solely for pathetic attempts at arguing with me is annoying. And sad.
So the merc is supposed to hold itself no higher than a tweet by a fox affiliate?
^ But you don't deny stroking it in your response JTR. Sometimes what you don't say is far more important than what you do say.

And yes, you are highly annoying. Now go back to listening to your police scanners Mr. Athiest Non-Republican Independent voter.
Stroking what?

Related to your prior question, if you can't see the difference between the severity of a lone white male loser vs people with a shit ton of ammo, months of planning, pipe bombs (fairly sophisticated pipe bombs), apparent training & encouragement from others, overseas links with broader organizations (as it now appears),etc.....there is no help for you. Not to mention the bullshit benefits of martyrdom driving them.

Coordination and resources, and outside encouragement from foreign organizations, is scary as shit vs some loser virgin such as yourself getting mad and having to go it alone in committing one of these shootings.

I am annoying? Then leave me alone and stop making up new accounts to troll me.

Any chance you can come over and rake some leaves this weekend at my home in NE? Sounds like you could use the money and some time away from your moms basement and the pc / x box. Come on.... A little fresh air wouldn't kill you. $20 an hour, and I know you are dieing to meet your cyber crush.
^ Someone sounds a little angry.
As I said, you are beyond reason if you think any of those losers who you seem to closely track (I picture you physically resembling Lanza) can hold a candle to the type of threat that is potentially posed by collaborative, religious driven attacks that are well planned and involve more than one person. You are a fucking noob if you don't get that. I take comfort in the fact that you are most likely too sheepish of a little bitch to ever actually go to a gun store, make a purchase, and spend the time to get proficient at using a gun. Simply too much time away from your pc and your mommy.

How you got anything sexual out of me offering to hire you for a leaf raking job is beyond me. Is "raking leaves" some sort of code word that I am unaware of? Maybe you are confusing me for your uncle Larry and the games you used to play in his conversion van? Same with the "stroking" comment.

Ohhhh, the old grammar police crutch. You have been defeated once again, loser! Time to ditch this merc account out of embarrassment and create another one! How many new accounts have I forced you to create over the past few months? 5 to 10 at least.

I feel sorry for you. The leaf raking offer stands. You need to earn a little money so you can maybe get a place of your own someday.

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