
no its cool didn't you know thats what taxes are for you silly head. So we can replace heroin with a treatment that has a 85% failure rate those are good numbers right.
Meth is not methadone, it is methamphetamine. If you are going to bitch about druggies, at least get it right.
OMG! this sounds like a hatred for ONE particular person, transformed into a rant about EVERYBODY! Get a grip on yourself!
the majority of methadone clinics are not govt funded, they are paid for by the client who uses the clinic. TO THE BEAV, you have those stats wrong, there is a more than 85% failure rate for those who DON'T participate in replacement therapy and try to stay clean with non medication therapies. Once again, never ceases to amaze me that ppl can sit here so self righteously and criticize other ppl's faults when they have some just as bad, if not worse than the person they are bashing. get your head out of your butt and do the research on replacment therapy for opiate addiction.

BY THE WAY, the majority of methadone patients are not heroin junkies anymore. The majority of methadone patients in this day and age and prescription pain pill addicts and if you want to stick your head in the sand and claim that you don't have any loved ones or friends who could use the methadone clinic because of their pain pill addiction, then keep on living in la la land my friend.
the majority of methadone clinics are not govt funded, they are paid for by the client who uses the clinic. TO THE BEAV, you have those stats wrong, there is a more than 85% failure rate for those who DON'T participate in replacement therapy and try to stay clean with non medication therapies. Once again, never ceases to amaze me that ppl can sit here so self righteously and criticize other ppl's faults when they have some just as bad, if not worse than the person they are bashing. get your head out of your butt and do the research on replacment therapy for opiate addiction.

BY THE WAY, the majority of methadone patients are not heroin junkies anymore. Once again, get your facts straight and stop spouting off stuff from the dark crevise of your butt. The majority of methadone patients in this day and age and prescription pain pill addicts and if you want to stick your head in the sand and claim that you don't have any loved ones or friends who could use the methadone clinic because of their pain pill addiction, then keep on living in la la land my friend.
any pain pill would be better than methadone
"Junkie frogger", haha.
I want to know what the inappropriate questions were.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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