Anonymous Nov 1, 2011 at 2:58 pm


How do you know if the candy was the "shitty, stuck-up your-ass candy" then? LIAR! I call bullshit on you.
Fucking asshole! Post their address so we can egg their house.
your asshole is a baby.
Idiot homeowners should learn how to turn off their front porch light if they don't want to be a part of Halloween. They are lucky my 4 and 2 year old didn't visit them and get the same treatment last night, otherwise I would have given them a real reason to never want to be a part of Halloween again.
A "tick treat" would be blood, so it's no surprise that a tiny strongman coming to the door and demanding some might be an upsetting experience.
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it was, if it happened as described, pretty rude. On the other hand, perhaps 1 1/2 yr olds don't need all that candy. I suppose you were taking him around for the experience. In that case you can tell him that those people were scary monsters (or heartless pricks, if you prefer to go that route). If that's too real for him then maybe he's too young to be trick or treating.
Go buy a fucking chocolate bar if you want some candy. The kid should be in bed.
lawl Wow, that is a really young kid to be out trick or treating. Kind of seems like the parents are using their kid to get them free candy. Prostituting children for candy is sick, but I guess that's what yuppies do?
Free candy or not, it's all about the experience. If the kid can walk, they have the right to be able to go trick or treating... It's up to the parents if they give the kid any candy... But don't ALL parents eat their kids candy anyways?!

Don't be assholes and make rude comments. Everyone deserves to trick or treat no matter how old they are.

The homeowner was a prick for not treating. Period.
RachelRenee has a point, It's a holiday for the kids, the parents get rewarded to eat their kids candy. I took my 18 month old out, we didn't come across any assholes. My kid ate three M&Ms after dinner and I ate some candy last night. Don't judge these parents, they are not the only ones trick or treating with toddlers or actual BABIES, nor eating their kids candy. It sounds like you guys don't have kids yourself. Fuck off.
The home owner may have reacted abit harshly, but SERIOUSLY, 18 months is way too young to take him trick or treating. His IS JUST A DAMNED BABY! He should've been in bed by 6 or 7.

Wait until the spawn is at least in kindergarten before you go soliciting for candy, and get a clue, idiot breeders.

In bed by 6-7? Tsk tsk. Again, another display of your sheltered life.

What time does your mommy make you go to bed now?
To be fair, yes, 18 months old is kind of young to take trick or treating. BUT, it sounds like the kid actually understood what was going on. It says that their son knocked on the door, and that he said "ticktreeet, ticktreeet" and so did the grown up. They were being polite and who the fuck gives you the right to judge these parents? Becuase they are giving their toddler son memories and experiences that some numb nuts don't?

Ointment Endeavors, it was obviously shitty, stuck-up your-ass candy because the lady was a complete CUNT to have actually said NO and then slam her door. What a bitch. She refused to give a dressed-up, innocent child candy on Halloween. She discriminated against a CHILD. Her candy was evidently too good for that child.

Jake, your parents must have dressed you in those cheap ass, store bought costumes that took no thought process at all. The creative costumes are the ones that people remember and appreiciate, asshole.

chicostix and BokChoy, go finger your pussies.

DamosA, you're a moron. Waiting until kindergarden to take a kid Trick or Treating? That's so ridiculous. Obviously don't have kids, and you never should reproduce.

If I were those parents, I wouldn't want that bitches candy in my kids collection either. Halloween is about spooky goblins and movies and bats and carving pumpkins, AND CANDY. Who cares if the kid isn't going to eat all the candy. I agree with MikeSeaver and RachelReene!
Greg Black,

Because the lady said no and then slammed the door in their faces does not mean her candy was crap. She may be a cunt but she may also have been sitting on some tasty candy. We will never know and one cannot tell as YOU WERE NOT THERE.

It's like if you asked me for some cocaine and I said "Greg, go fuck your mother".
Does that mean my coke is crap? No. It means I am a dick.

And this too: I HATE the "who are you to judge?" argument. I'll tell ya' who; a parent myself, actually, a guy who lives in the world and has to be around other people, in fact, and someone who may very well know better than you, asshole. Who am I to judge? ME, motherfucker. I judge, just like you judge.

That said, it sounds like the homeowner was a bit of a prick, yes.
Dudes, these lately "writings" that have been springing out of nowhere for the past few days if they where paintings they would be all done in 2 or 3 pastel colors, with a razorblade cut in some part of the canvas. Have you noticed that? Boring monotonous shit.

Who the hell is posting as anonymous? Dont cha have balls or something?
Look I,A, I feel just terrible about this. Come by the house around 7:00 or so, and I'll put some fried eggs in the little dude's bag. But if he says "ticktreeet, ticktreeet" again, I'm smacking him with the spatula. We clear here?
"ticktreeet, ticktreeet"

Uhm, that doesn't sound like the little baby knew what the Hell was going on. And kindergarten (if not first grade) is just about the right age to start TRICK OR TREATING (that's how it's pronounced, duh).

To take children/babies out on Halloween before they even start to receive their first lessons in school shows what shitty priorities some so-called "parents" have. I swear, people in other countries don't behave this way. And it's no wonder they're way more advanced than we are! Gee, i wonder why?
"Who the hell is posting as anonymous? Dont cha have balls or something?"

No Leaky, these people DON'T have balls or something. That's why they keep coming here bitching and whining about all their little 'First World' problems.
Omg it's a baby!!! Someone grab the shotgun!!!
Yes Damosa, you might be right, but it is a way of getting to know different cultures and new lingoes ("ticktreeet, ticktreeet..."), and whats the deal in the rants touched, but come on dude, the last few weeks have been nothing boring and unimaginative. Nothing to do with what it was posted before. Besides, this is unbelievable. All this bs thrown here, they way its been done, and still people believe there are no repercussions and all that Ive talked about. The best person who can make you a hot dog is a hot dog craftsman who has a tradition in the job, and they him she had been asking for hot dogs for years.
*have been nothing but boring and unimaginative...
Stop reliving your missed childhood through your kid I-anon Poster. Isnt 18 months a bit young to be out in the cold stumbling around like a drunk begging for handouts? Good job teaching him how to be a liberal early in age. Jerk.
Boner, you prolly are right on most of what you've wrote in my perception. This guys you talk about I think dont understand the negative approach to things. Meaning amongst other things, cuz I wont disclose, is that they should learn on their own, they are grown ups in boy men, kids girls friends social circles, so to make them understand sometimes a different angle must be taken in conversation or communication. Its hella boring. One has to read right so whoever is reading wont mistake the other as "one of his". To offer handouts of whatever to these they never give back nothing, ingrates. And in my case, they turn it around, and use it to try to screw you with it. Thats why Ive been saying GTFO for weeks. One of the reasons...

Blah blah blah blah blah. Fucking A. Go start a blog or something, dude.
I was thinking of starting a hummingbirds behavior blog but it was spoiled with the last entries.
I live in that neighborhood, actually on SE Saint Andrews Drive. I'm almost positive that I know who slammed the door on I, Anonymous. I was chatting with another resident who has two young girls, ages 2 and 4. They went trick or treating as well on our street. They had a weird vibe from a neighbor who asked if they thought 'the kids were too young to eat candy'? Obviously they don't think that, and the PARENTS get to make the decisions, they get to feed them whatever they want, make the choice to let THEIR kids watch tv, play with certain toys and to read books or finger paint.

I gave the neighbor girls candy, and I remember handing out candy to every other child who rang my doorbell or knocked on my door, along with that cute little Strong Man. Yes, I REMEMBER HIM. It was a great costume, better than any store bought kind. He and his parents were very polite. Some kids don't even say 'Trick or Treat' or 'Thank you', some kids step on flowers or knock over yard decorations.

Shame on the person who made the choice to be completely rude to a couple of good parents who were only trying to create memories. And shame on all of your negative comments or 'advice' given here; you DO NOT have a say in what that parent does or does not do for their child. Seems like the parents only wrote in to I, Anonymous for a little revenge. My advice to those parents: that homeowner WILL get his/her karma soon enough.

And again, as a homeowner and a lover of all holidays myself, SHAME on the neighbor who turned that kid away. The homeowner chooses to hand out candy regardless of what age, costume or sex the child or TEEN is. Don't even get me started about the older teenagers who knocked on my door and weren't even in costume.....

Being abit rude is one thing. Feeding your very small children junk food from strangers is quite another.

I'm truly surprised to not have heard of MORE people handing out fruits, vegetables, and vegan-positive treats from local markets to kids on Halloween. In THIS town, you're think...
Prolly the kid had a bit of a scare hahaha and next halloween He'll be in the streets with a more goonie and rad attire, more appropriate for the seasons. By himself. Am pretty sure that looking back he would be ashamed of himself and his family. Damn, you people always gotta see the negative side of life.

Signed: RichardClifordBatesman. Erm, I meant Leaky.

As I write my new blog about hummingbirds, am learning that the downtime, sleeping time of said birds are way too predictable. Any other theme suggestion for a blog where I can exercise my writing in all its forms and attires?

This rant most certainly is the experiment result of mixing an irritating grandma and a 3 year old kid in the same person, with intervals in speech and thinking of the gray matter each 5 min., with smooth transitions in between. Gotta see the body. Might be blue and big-long with red eyes with a sound device for when it has to pee. Hey, another idea for a blog! (ideas are still welcome).

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