
You hope they rot in hell? Over a bag of dog shit? Clearly you are the lamest person in a town full of lame-o jerks. I just skip the pretense and let my dog shit wherever. I will start cleaning up after him when people quit leaving boxes of free trinkets on every corner in southeast. Also, mow your fuckin lawn.
You hope they rot in hell? Over a bag of dogshit? Clearly you are the lamest person in a town full of lame-o jerks. I skip the pretense of cleaning and leave my dog's shit where it lands. I will start cleaning up after him when people stop leaving boxes of free trinkets (trash) on every corner in southeast.
Iceprez Pdx MySpace

Turn the volume up
I need to submit my IA rant over the person that scolded me for *picking up* after my dog and *taking the baggy with me*.
As explained to Geo Liquor, that is not me. My Ice Prez is a reference to Steven King's illistrated version of The Stand. Yes, I am aware of my spelling errors. And I do clean up dog shit at the park.
word to yo momma there's a special circle in hell for bastard cowards, post with your own account. Yours truly, Virgil.
*metal riffs commence*
Shittily written as this one was, the complaint has some validity. I routinely see meticulously wrapped dog poop all over town. Either you wrap it and throw it in a garbage can, or you let it sit there unwrapped and it will bio-degrade. Why is this a problem?

Catshit is everywhere

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