
I tap peoples bumpers all the time, for two reasons:
1) Cheaper than driving to the Wilsonville Family Fun Center and playing Bumper Cars...or Bumper Boats!!!
2) Because that space is big enough for my car, especially if I nudge you aside a little.
Worst & most potentially psychotic drivers:
1) Pickup trucks 2) Taxi drivers 3) Mercedes / BMW owners (especially SUVs) 4) PT Cruisers 5)... and of course DWA's
Believe it or not, it's called a bumper for a reason!
Maybe you should learn how to park instead of writing catty shit online.
@4 If you're the lady that lives on my street that will not pull forward into the next available space, I am hitting your bumper on purpose. I noticed a crack a few weeks ago...and its getting bigger.
If you cannot manage to park your vehicle without touching another vehicle, then clearly you shouldn't be driving.
No way in Hell would this jerk DARE raise up on ME like that! That'll be the end of him!
#6...You may have saved my life. Why, just this morning I burned my toast. Clearly I shouldn't be toasting. Better get rid of the toaster before I burn the house down. And come to think of it, I sliced my finger pretty bad several years ago with a paring knife. Clearly I shouldn't be cutting apples. Time to get rid of those suckers too, before I cut off a digit. Thanks, man!
Clumsy people shouldn't use knives. I mean that's just a science.
@ ImplosiveFarts: I don't own a car. Us Black gurls must all look the same to you, huh! Die in a fire, bitch.
Bumper? I barely knew her!

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