
Just when I think your going to try to rise women up; you bring them all back down with: "Maybe if your mothers had not chased away your fathers" bit. Wow! That is such a gem!

If you're actually a women I,A; I feel sorry for all the men that have ever had the displeasure of dating you. You sound terrible!
It doesn't really sound worth it.
Why is everyone so surprised that the single 30-somethings they find to date aren't perfect relationship material?

I'm fucking awesome, and I've been locked down since age 23...DamosA is not awesome, and is single at 35...Its not surprising at all.
Holy run-on sentences, batman!
I'm a lady. Please don't speak on my behalf.
And here i thought that having poor hygiene, drinking [pbr] all day, and claiming a phony mental disorder was EXACTLY what got dudes laid in this town.

And it's nice to see i'm still popular here.
You're as bad as the "Attention PDX women" dude. Way to be totally ass-backwards.

Don't speak for me. You aren't qualified.
It's weird how many women this town are so full of man-rage. I'm not sure what daddy issues are going on but therapy is a great way to get over your disdain for guys. Check it out.

Also, one thing I've noticed, when a woman goes around constantly complaining about "being a man" and "man up" and all that silliness, it typically comes across as a shallow attempt to get people to go along with your bullshit lest you brand them a child. It says a lot more about you than the guys you're trying to scare into obedience.

It doesn't surprise me at all to see this level of rage from you. Judging by the vitriol (mom chases dad away? what?) I'd imagine on those rare cases where you do find a boyfriend he doesn't stick around for long. Check the mirror (and therapy). I'm not being a dick either, just honest.
sex life, what sex life
rotting gametes casting blame
willamette river
It's funny when people sternly tell guys to "man up", call them "crybaby" for showing emotion, and/or generally admonish them to conform to outdated, patriarchal stereotypes, because that will *totally* make them better people, and is totally like, not at all sexist.

Men only cry in public when forced to confront the annual Naked Bike Ride
Please don't take this IA seriously, folks. She [or he] is another crybaby. That's what this column is here for, right?
My mother chased my father away. I'm going to hate and belittle female IA posters for the rest of my life.

Why?!?!?! Why did she chase my Daddy away?!?!?!? *sobs*
I find some merit to this post. Up until a few months ago I had no spine at all. Not only was it extremely difficult to get around as a gelatinous blob of human, no woman would even give me the time of day. Thanks to a very risky medical procedure I not only can walk erect now, but I am regularly getting laid! Hurray!
"It's funny when people sternly tell guys to "man up", call them "crybaby" for showing emotion, and/or generally admonish them to conform to outdated, patriarchal stereotypes..."

It's the difference between what women really want, and what current PC blather tells us is acceptable. We can all agree in conversation to get over "outdated stereotypes" but if if doesn't make you wet, it doesn't make you wet.

Frankly men should man up. It will make you more successful in almost every realm of life, because despite what people may say out loud, they still respect a man who acts like a man, and don't respect a boy who doesn't.
Man up sounds like some meaningless horseshit that a personal trainer yells at you at a gym. How does one man up exactly?
How am I supposed to tell if I'm wet?
I usually use my thumbs but that's for everyone to decide.
Well, there are "manly virtues" which can be called simply "virtues"... Regarding the notorious female sexual response, my impression is that the overlap between attractive universal traits like confidence/forwardness and "man up" traits like sociopathy/aggression is slim enough that we can justifiably tell I,A to go fuck his/her self.
Sure, women can't get enough of blubbering, needy men who are "struggling to discover themselves" until they're 40. Then they go home and read "50 Shades of Grey." I'm not trying to be anti-feminist. My comments are addressed to the male arrested development set. There's what our liberal bubble says women should "want," and may even pretend to "want," and then there is what they actually want. It isn't ironic facial hair or legs like a 12-year-old girl, in jeans to match.
For the record, I only cry in public when somebody is stomping on my foot really hard. Is that a problem?
I like Portland men. I like sensitive guys who cook indoors and talk about their feelings. It's not their fault that I'm more than a little slow on the uptake when someone's flirting with me. It's not their fault that Portland's culture has spawned a courtship style that is significantly different from, say, the Midwest or California. It's just the way it is. Nothing wrong with being able to fix a car or fire up a grill, but those are just another set of skills... if I'm dating a social work PhD student, why should I demand he "man up" and grill for me? That makes as much sense as moving to Montana and demanding that your manly frontier man go into social work. Don't blame people for not being what you want them to be; that's unfair and dehumanizing. We aren't toys to be altered or replaced at your whim.

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