
Depression is a real, physical disorder. Physical. Meaning treatable. I took the liberty of Googling "depression, Portland OR, free services" and a lot of information popped up. Check it out -- even if you feel "ok" right now, you'll hit a valley again, so do yourself a favor and get on this right now!
I have known a couple of people that have committed suicide and afterwards you always wish you could have talked to them before they did it to let them know that their lives are extremely valuable no matter how tough things are. I once heard the expression that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems and I believe this to be true.

I am no expert on mental health but I think one way to look at it is if you are really to that point, instead of ending it all pretend that you have. Put an imaginary gun to your head and pull the imaginary trigger. Okay, at this point, you are free to go and do whatever you want without worrying about who you upset. And I would be willing to bet you any amount of money that your family and your friends (who undoubtedly love you very much) would rather you go off and join the circus or the peace corps or some crappy reggae band than have to deal with losing you forever.

Not sure if this helps but hang in there. Life is absolutely worth clinging to to the very end.
You sound like a teenager.
Briefly: stick around, and the right path will become obvious. The only way out is Through, and suicides are remembered by their loved ones as assholes.
THANK YOu for asking complete strangers to listen. You are very brave and that is a good sign of taking control of the situation in a positive way (as opposed to the other way). PLEASE call the crisis line at (503) 988-4888 and you can talk to someone there about what you are going through and they can talk about what you can do to get help, if you want it. IT WILL GET BETTER. I promise.
don't go where you're not invited.

that is, it's not your time yet -- you haven't been invited just yet. don't go crashing the party. you'll be invited soon enough, just like the rest of us. until then, keep your head up and remember that it could always be worse.....all of this is a gift.
Your parents won't talk to you? Wait, that's a bad thing?

Seriously, I always get shit on for this but if you're living in Portland and can't find happiness then I've got bad news for you: life is WAY harder than this. Too many self defeating emos in this town who amplify their problems so that they feel their life is some modern day tragedy. For fucks sake, go live in Syria, go have your family bombed to bits, go live a life that forces you to truly struggle. Not this "I'm so empty" nonsense you concocted so that you'd feel Wes Anderson movies were a reflection of your own dull life.

You're describing the same feelings of bullshit that almost every teenager feels, only you're too weak to work through it and instead just want to cower and reach out for attention (what this letter is). If you truly wanted help you know how to use Google, find resources, find phone numbers. This is just an exercise in your own self indulgence.

And yes, all the faux sensitive art school dropouts will downvote this and tell me how cruel I am, not because they believe I'm being cruel but because it will make them feel better about themselves. "Aw come look at my post honey, I totally made fun of the bully who was cracking on the suicidal emo. I'm such a good person." And 2 seconds later they'll forget your post, and you, and get back to their own life.

To quote Jack Nicholson's character at the start of the Departed, "nobody gives it to you, you have to take it". That's all life comes down to. Either you're hungry for it or you're not. You big pussy ;)
Arenit, your argument here is based on the premise that all experience can be measured objectively, which is ridiculously impossible. I would argue that issues-meaninglessness, all types of abuse, the impossibility of achieving the good life as portrayed by our bullshit media, etc. faced by many in societies that you might call "easy" such as ours could lead to greater pain than, for example, that of a Palestinian living in Gaza who is fueled by righteous anger to establish a deserved recognized nation state. Individual experience is necessarily subjective and is not determined solely by the conditions of the world. Besides, you have no fucking idea what the experience of the person who wrote this IA is. If you honestly think that just because someone lives in Portland there is no way their pain is authentic, you have a serious deficit of experience and the emotional judgment of a three year old.
Take damosa with you.
If you live long enough, you eventually might come to realize the futility of trying to please other people. John Lennon once wrote: "Life is the stuff that happens while your busy making plans." So don't expect yourself to come up with something that you think you ought to be doing with your life. It helps to have genuine interests, however. Just hang out at the movies, or get into Kung-fu, or photography perhaps. Most people simply get a boring job and go to work. They don't have time to think about what they are going to do with their lives. Screw that.
I recommend heroin.
OK then, I've got some advice for you:
quit obsessing over yourself.

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