Anonymous Apr 25, 2013 at 7:52 pm


You needs laid.
I think "needs shipped" is pretty standard shorthand in shipping departments. I know it is at my work, and those guys are definitely not dumb. They just assume the rest of us are smart enough to figure out their meaning without requiring a full sentence.

I've also got programmer friends who find it amusing to use the functions "gets" and "puts" in this manner. Could be it's all a joke you're not in on.

Anyway, have fun watching your post be picked apart by better grammar nazis than you. I gotta get out of here before the irony sets in...

Needs lighten up.
^Needs smart.
What is it with all of the Medford references?
Puts lotion in basket or else gets hose again
Needs paragraph break.
your funny
I quit reading at "I'm Canadian."
I've lived here my whole life and never hear this usage. I dismiss that this is some kind of common Oregon saying. Half of you poopheads are from somewhere else anyway. Maybe the person writing it is from Arkansas. Or even worse, Medford!

Also, Canadian accusing Americans of being dumb = funny.
[whispering to I,A]

"Its", when using it to mean "it is", requires an apostrophe...

Anyway, by my count that makes at least three glaring errors, sir/ma'am, in your rant against (not so) glaring errors: two missing apostrophes and the very fact that you wrote this whole thing in the first place.

(Also, it's "y'all", not "ya'll". I know, I know -- it's that derned apostrophe thing again. Apparently they're like a substitute, or something, for missing letters when one shoves two words into one...)
My neighbor growing up referred to her laundry as The Worsh. She was from one of the Dakotas if that means anything.
if j.cas_is_clueless == :yes
puts 'try harder next time'
puts 'bullshit! j.cas_is_cluless definitely == :yes'
"Local" accents and grammar are part of what make many countries including this one interesting. I don't know what your beef with Medford is, but I recommend you take your slightly better grammar and return to America's Hat. How exactly did you come West if you are from fucking Canada anyway?. Interesting theory, is that your Canadian version of Manifest Destiny? Think you whiffed there. PS Take off,eh?
Sorry, I grew up here and the only Oregon-ism I grew up with (then eventually dropped when I moved away for a decade or so) was calling soda "pop". The only place(s) I hear or see "pop" here now are the beverage aisle signs at Freddy's...
@Tyler, noticed that as well

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