
I think the same person authored this as the one directly below this, mainly because they both start with short three/four word questions. Seriously though, you'd have a good point if you were discussing how certain affluent people treat poorer folks like shit because they can, but you just had to key in on a woman's look like a misogynistic disgusting motherfucker, making you just as bad as these supposed "mean rich women". Go fuck yourself asshole.
Someone's a little sensitive.

Anyway, anon gets points for being genuinely witty, even if it's a non-complaint.
As someone who has lived in both areas, for every ugly Pearl chick there's about 800 ugly east side chicks. I get it, it's easy to hate on people with money, luxury cars and massive loft apartments, but the level of vitriol in your post says a lot more about you than the women you're trying to belittle. Try some better pick up lines next time and maybe you won't get turned down again. It's pretty obvious your ego is fragile and one of these 'ugly chicks' managed to bruise it.
"But really," someone will undoubtedly offer, "there is so much affordable housing in the Pearl."
Yes, some people will make choices about their appearance that you wouldn't make, and that you don't find appealing. That you seem surprised or upset by this fact can only mean that you haven't put much thought into it. To help you along: some people will also eat different food than you, listen to different music than you, and make thousands of other choices every day that you would not make for yourself. Good luck out there.
"The desperateness radiating from your pea sized brain" whoops, I think you accidentally took a look inside yourself, Anon. Have a drink, maybe that mean ol' moment of clarity will go away.
My solution is to never go to NW Portland. Then I don't have to be depressed by watching an army of Californians playing "Oregon." Of course, I still watch a more diluted version of the same on the east side.
I don't understand why people get so worked up over other peoples appearance. Who gives a shit?
They filmed The Real World there.

When in Rome.
I think anon's got a misplaced anger issue with the women as opposed to the culture and society at large, but still, was not expecting such a defense of fake breasts, Botox, and tanning chemicals as y'all are putting up. Fuck that. Those things should never be defended.
Commas, huh, comma's, am I right, commas?
Ever notice how women never post here about how ugly/badly dressed the men in Portland are (and many of them really are)? It's almost like men are allowed to have value beyond their outward appearance or something.

And then you wonder why fake breasts, Botox, and tanning chemicals are so abundant. Truly brilliant, guys.

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