
I'm guessing your style icon is Powder.
Hmmm. That's funny.

I always thought the "dork knot" and the "pony tail" were colloquialisms for sexual acts engaged in by male homosexuals similar to "docking" or "playing the rusty trombone".
If you can afford to grow a beard, you can afford to shrink-wrap it.
This is what I,A has come to? Complaining about people who pull their hair out of their face? Geeze, i thought dog poop, traffic & bikes were bad. This has just gotten silly.
Since time eternal Dudes have thought what they've got is
longer than it is and always ready for battle.
Have a great Thanksgiving Anon and all my crazy commenters.
Yes embrace your mullet, dorks.
Sure its embarassing and accentuates the ungainly form of your noggin . But if you want to grow your hair out like the cool kids you must pay the price.
For Thanksgiving, all my best bike polo buds got together and held a competition to see whose beard lice could jump the furthest. Didn't take long to realize that all our lice are the same-- we're practically family. Only by moving cross country to such a progressive city like Portland could we realize our dreams of wearing flannel, washing dishes for a living and most importantly, cultivating our facial hair. But mostly I'm thankful for Pabst trucker hats
I wish my life were so amazingly awesome that I had the time and energy to give a fuck about other people's pony tails.
I wish my life were so EVEN more so amazingly awesome to comment on said sad sackery.......
I wish my life was infinity awesome so I would have the time and energy to comment about people commenting about people commenting about people commenting about people and their stupid looking hair...

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