
I take it your a boomer? Don't you have a global economy to ruin?
I think D&W is on the right track here. All these crotchety old fuckers telling us how good we've got it. Easy words to speak when you have a decent paying job, can still receive a pension and Social Security, and actually own your home.

The rest of us under 50 are pretty much fucked. At least when the global food supply is exhausted, I'll be able to breastfeed in public. It'll be the only food left at that point.

Thanks for all your hard work Baby Boomers!!!!
Oh yeah, because finding a solution to global warming is as easy as making a bike path
So you got us bike trails and breastfeeding in public, but it's up to us to figure out NSA spying, unregulated financial institutions, and global warming? Um, thanks but passing the buck is pretty lame when you get to look down on us from your big house in the hills.
Global Warming isn't Global, it's Coastal, caused by undersea volcanism. An ice age is cyclically the occasional result of that, but Fukushima has already so badly contaminated the entire West Coast, that if anybody stays here much longer, they won't be around anywhere, much longer. The media is controlled. If you like how the media loves, O'bama, you'll love it to death how they treat Fukushima.
Yeah, it's that thing I keep saying: we'll probably have all the Identity Politics things we ever wanted, but the price will be that we'll live in a police state. Sucks, really; but whatcha gonna do?
Hup two three four Breastfeeding? Close the door!
Five six seven eight Are you Gay or are you straight?
Nine ten eleven twelve Get your dead ass off the shelf
Two three four five Fight corruption there's some jive
Six seven eight nine On both sides whine whine whine whine
blah blah blah
Wow, autocorrect changed "you're" to "your." I'm ashamed.
Go ahead. Stay in Portland and die from radiation sickness. Maybe you'll survive long enough to make it to the 9.2. Best case scenario, the pending ice age will only be a mini one, and you won't freeze to death before you die from radiation sickness during the pending, devastating Earthquake, unless the 2012 Age of Aquarius meteor shower wipes the town out first.

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