
Hmmmm... there's a few reasons dog owners have their dogs at grocery stores, here we go:
1. they were walking their dog, like a good, responsible owner, ran into the store, and secured their dog outside. The good dog owners don't treat their dog like an accessory, the dog is an active part of their life. I take my dog nearly everywhere because he's not just a cute prop, but needs to be socialized in all scenarios possible.
2. it's part of training - it teaches dogs to "wait"; howling dogs could be in the process of breaking their separation anxiety.
3. Not all dog owners have yards for their dogs to run around in. Plus, even if you have a yard, a life in a yard, with no other stimulation can be just as damaging as kenneling a dog.
oh yeah, PS: dogs who are balanced LOVE physical activity with their owners; including skateboarding, bicycling, rollerblading, etc.
The author sounds like they've never owned a dog and never watched an episode of Cesar Millan.
Relax, bra. Stick to what you know - which appears to be social observations circa 1997 in Eugene.
While I agree with some of the above, if your dog has real separation anxiety issues, please don't try to treat that by tying it up and abandoning it in public. You have to deal with that shit in a safe place, where you know people aren't going to come along and interfere/stress out the dog more than it already is.

Personally I don't tie my dog up outside because I know he's afraid of most men (he's so prejudiced), and we live in what is apparently an off-leash pitbull zone.
OP is right. No yard? Take your pup walking before or later. If the dog can't handle being tied up during store visits, then you need to train it to do so, or leave it at home. Anything else is entitlement: "My dog is a sweetheart. If her barking annoys you, that's your problem." No, it's yours. Do something about it.

If you don't have time to raise and care for a dog properly, don't get a dog.

P.S. Well-behaved dogs are a joy. Love 'em!
As a kid in Kentucky, our bassett hound Watson would wander half a mile through the neighborhood to Melton's Grocery. They would call our house and tell us Watson had walked up to the store. Watson ruled.
And how.

my dog is still pissed for the time i was in a hurry to get my quinoa shake and accidentally tied him to a wheel instead of the bike rack.
You know what else dogs don't like? Fireworks.

So for the love of God, don't tie your dog up outside of a grocery store on July 4th.

You know what dogs love? Treats and Red Rockets!!!!
> Anything else is entitlement: "My dog is a sweetheart. If her barking annoys you, that's your problem." No, it's yours. Do something about it.

I apply this same thinking to parents and their annoying kids.

I don't own a dog and don't even consider myself a dog person (cats for life) and even I don't understand why people are so emo over the idea of dogs in grocery stores. My nearest grocery store is the Pearl Safeway and it almost seems the staff doesn't care if you bring in your dog, and to me that's how it should be. It's not like the dog is going to open the box of Cap'n Crunch you're about to buy and tea bag it.

I'd rather dog owners bring their dogs in rather than tie them up, where oftentimes they get stolen.
Wow, this post is spot on. I am appalled by another post-
guess which one.

Here it goes: the area outside the store is a shared environment. Your convenience and your dog's need for socialization are not the most important things in the world.

Some people,( perhaps because they are from third world areas where dogs are kept to menace the poor and not as pets) don't enjoy walking past a line of dogs, who
usually occupy extra sidewalk space and make everyone else detour.

I once spoke with a store clerk about a ditz who tied up an anxious pit bull right where you needed to get a grocery cart. The store clerk expressed frustration.
If you have a friend that works in a local grocery store, ask then if dogs improve their work life.

The dogs you see tied up are, for the most part, dogs that should be re-homed.
@Assisse - I see your point. But I've witnessed at Target a couple pushing their puppy in a cart, in the pet section of the store, asked by an employee to take the dog outside of the store. The guy apologized and said he only brought the dog in because they were trying costumes on him, the employee said animals are not allowed in stores where they sell food.
Meh. I've never questioned why I can't bring my non-service dog into a grocery store. But my dog once got out of her leash, walked into the store and FOUND me. It was hilarious. She was totally calm, I guess she sniffed me out and just casually walked up to me...
There was a puppy tied to a bike rack in front of a Thai restaurant on Killingsworth on Tuesday for least half an hour. It was hot as fuck, the dog was howling and had no water. I didn't have a bowl so I kept pouring water into my hand for the dog to drink.

I sat with the dog for another 15 minutes when the owners finally showed up (seems they were having a few beers at Ducketts). Their defense at leaving their puppy in the sun for nearly an hour with no water? "We lost track of time and forgot we had brought the puppy with us".

It is not a good thing to leave your pup tied up outside of places. Too explain why is redundant.

Plan your time so you can avoid leaving them alone.

If you have to take him/her with you, please leave a bowl of water. Other people see your dog alone,no water, and think you are an irresponsible pet owner. You walk out of the store and you are going to have your pup gone, or get in a fight.
The new popular grocery store in my neighborhood has 2 separate designated pet areas with water dishes and places to tie the dog's leash to. That kind of made me feel like it might be okay for me to leave the little buddy outside for a few minutes while I run in and buy a couple of items. If a dog isn't a barker, I think it's ok to leave him/her there for 10 minutes or so. It beats leaving the dog in the car during hot weather.
Where the fuck is Gus? I think we need his insight.
Those are screams of joy.
Stores ought to have stun collars attached to the bike racks, to secure the dogs, and zap their throats with high voltage when they bark. There should also be doggy diapers on the rack, as well.
whatareyoutalkingabout! Dogs love pulling people around on skateboards!
Dogs howl and cry when you leave them alone in the house too. I like how the IA pretends to give a shit about the dog.
I love it when people tie their dogs up outside. I'm the one you see petting them and telling them what good dogs they are.

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